LesleyL30 Member


  • Oh my goodness! I did it almost 3 years ago, was the hardest 2 weeks but now I barely even want anything sweet ever. I mean if I have a donut or something of course my brain is like "more! So yummy" but once it's done I'm fine. It'll take me a solid 3 days to finish a Sprite Zero IF I even finish it! It's totally worth it…
  • I don't trust the calorie counters as a whole, some are more accurate than others but none are 100%, at least that I have found. Though everyone is different I would definitely suggest spacing out the eating. You're body needs to refuel throughout the day, the biggest thing is going to be what you are eating and how much.…
  • I tend to go back and forth. I binge too sometimes but I also have a hard hard time when I log my food. I am an all or nothing type person so when I log food I tend to watch too carefully and not eat enough. I don't love food either, so it's easy for me to go without eating but it's very unhealthy. So as of now I try rot…
  • Add me if you want! I got on mfp a few years ago. But really got into it and stuck with it about 2 years ago. I started at 200 pounds and got down to 134 at my lowest. I have spent the last year hanging around 138/140 but recently gained 10 pounds. Ugh. I am up to 150 as of today. But I am back on it and monitoring it now…
  • Hello! I'm doing the same thing. Over the last 2 years went from a very unhealthy 200 pounds down to 134 at my best! But I stayed around 140, in up to about 150ish now. I stopped mfp cause I was doing great but I need to come back and I need support! I'd love it if I could get a few more friends on here!! Add me please?
  • oh my goodness! I struggle with that and have in the past few days been saying "ok I will just never be happy" I have as of today lost almost 47 pounds and though I know I have lost about 4 pant sizes I still am not happy. I lose motivation when I feel not happy. I look at myself and say i'm still not there, I still need…
  • I need friends! I have lost about 47 pounds and have gotten in a rut! I need more people to yell at me!!! please add me!
  • some of them are really active others not so much. I personally haven't found one that I keep coming back to, probably why I don't have any friends on here! I have found it also depends on what you are looking for. Good luck!
  • I'll add you! I need motivation too! support helps!
  • My name is Lesley (need more friends too!) I am 32 mom of 2, wife of 1 :) I have been on MFP for several years but would go well for a month then quit. I have been begging my husband to eat better, slow down while eating, etc... to No avail. Then the school district we work for held a biggest loser competition and the top…
  • You look FABULOUS! An inspiration!
  • Personally I like to weigh myself daily. It has gotten me to knowing my body and what to expect certain times of the month for sure so I am not upset or let down by a few pounds gain out of the blue. Plus I feel like its helped me hold myself more accountable. There are days where I will eat one thing I know I shouldn't…
  • You sound like me! I have been on here and fatsecret for several years and have very few friends also. I like to keep to myself but I need that daily support from others also. The first step is deciding to make a change, so way to go everyone!
  • Mine is kind of a vain and selfish reason. I have always been over weight, but in the last almost 5 years after my daughter was born, i just never got rid of the baby weight. I only gained 25 pounds with her, but I never got rid of that 25 pounds. I hate how I look and feel although, I have never had a great self esteem or…
  • I started with my ipod, but I really like listening to pandora more with running. I have too much on my Ipod and I like how Pandora keeps all the same type music together. I dont have time to classify all my ipod music that way!