

  • Defeat meant getting a wedgie.
  • Mash it up all over the seat of his chair when no one is looking. And if anybody asks, swear up and down it wasn't you.
  • Wow! Congratulations! May I ask how much oats? I made some oatmeal - and a cup of cooked oats looked like too much, but I ate most of it anyway. I'm inspired. I've gotten all kinds of advice, doctors, nurses, everybody....the only one who knows me my whole life is me, and I'm the one who has to decide what to do. I'm 5'2"…
  • I felt silly, but I did the picture thing too. But I didn't hang it on the fridge. I put it in a folder on my desktop called "FatPix." I took a new pic ever day for a couple of days but I got tired of it. 45 seems like a long time ago to me. You have your whole life ahead of you. Why not devote a little time to yourself…
  • Congratulations! I have no idea what you should do, but I'm inspired.
  • Oh, ouch! I had a former male friend who never said a word about my weight, just kept talking and talking and talking... about all the women MY AGE at his gym who were in Fantastic shape. I told him he should ask one of them out. He didn't take the hint. I was not interested in him to begin with and after that, I was never…
  • If you feel you need more calories than it says you should have, try adjusting the lifestyle to more active or very active, and/or increase the days and times of workouts. It will come up with a higher number of goal calories. If you rig it that way, you can use this to calculate calories per day, but it won't be accurate…
  • I used to work out at a reasonable level and eat really well. I was 5'2", about 130 lb, which was a little overweight for me. Because I didn't get out of shape as I got older people assumed I had an eating disorder. I do not. Due to circumstances beyond my control the last few years I have put on weight and now I am WAY…