

  • very uplifting and true - how the days when we were fighting fit slipped away to now being a civvie and starting all over again. My journey has just began but i am sure within MFP it is a journey i will complete.
  • Thank you for your kind words, lets hope we all get to where we wish to be
  • Thanks to everyone’s great comments it is a good day and its getting better because we are facing our problems with food head on and saying........ We the "mfp" community will stand side by side and say to the food monster.. Back off and leave us alone!!!! Heh that could be the good basis for a mad cap film???? Nar would…
  • Well I can say that after ten years plus of doing nothing but being at the height of "unhealthyness" - (is this a real word?) - I think I have found the motivation, what have I done, well I have decided to do it for myself, I have tried doing it for others and well that did not work, so now it’s for me, so think what you…
  • Hi Nique691, I know what you mean I have battled with this for over ten years, used to be very fit and active but time just creeps up on you and before you know it....bang... you look in the mirror or in my case saw myself on a video recording and thought to myself, who the hell is that? OMG it’s me!!! Gotta do something…
  • Well done you!!!! This is my day one and you are an inspiration.... hope i can achive half of what you have done... well done again
  • Best of luck - my day one as well, could not believe how great this site is and its FREE!!!!!, best of luck in your goals and you will get there.