Well start of day three

tubbyme Posts: 10
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
As the title says its start of day three, feeling still motivated.
I have been on weight watchers since Jan this year, but for some reason my weight, dedication, has just kept roller coasting all over the place and this week I said .....Enough’s enough...... so I started to focus and think hell man, you need to do this for you!...... your family... and your friends .. but number one for yourself! And the week started off ok-ish but then found out about this site and thought wow... and it has motivated me so much to feel really positive.

In addition it may be me but this week I have stopped having bread and potatoes... my biggest craving, "pig-out" foods and I have not missed them all week and more so feel more positive, feel like I have more energy and well more alert... not sure if there is any science behind this but heh making me feel good.

SO my long long journey starts in earnest now, it’s no quick win.....when you weigh 305lbs I know it’s a long journey but hopefully I / we can make it and help each other where we can, I do believe this site and it community which I am proud to say I belong to know (I think?) will and can benefit each of us "living" in it.

Anyway enough of my ramblings its 0858am here in the UK (this is just for our overseas friends, it’s the weekend so lots to do)

Keep on all of you ...we know we can do this together..

Take Care



  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    Well done K. I found this site yesterday and am hoping it will be the extra kick i need to get my weight off for my wedding this year. Have just eaten some breakfast give it another 5 and ill be doing some Zumba followed by wedding the patio. Wont on other half be pleased when he gets in from work? Its another lovely day out there. Lets make the most of it!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Glad you're feeling motivated. Whether we have a lot or a little to lose it's a challenging journey for all of us. The great thing is mfp will help you to stay on track, feel supported and continue to be motivated. It is a beautiful day here in the UK - lets enjoy the sunshine :happy: :smile: :happy: :smile:
  • tubbyme
    tubbyme Posts: 10
    Thanks to everyone’s great comments it is a good day and its getting better because we are facing our problems with food head on and saying........ We the "mfp" community will stand side by side and say to the food monster.. Back off and leave us alone!!!! Heh that could be the good basis for a mad cap film???? Nar would not catch on, but a funny thought never the less.

    All have a great day

  • kimmybefit66
    kimmybefit66 Posts: 21 Member
    Well done you and welcome to mfp. I too have only been here a few weeks but have found the site very motivational and the people very supportive xx

    So here's to a bright a lighter future ''raise's a glass of water'' cheers my new found friends

    (please feel free to add me as a friend) xx
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