New and unmotivate and need help with motivation

ajhorsegal Posts: 2
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
HI all! I am fairly new to this site. I am hoping someone can help me with my motivation. I want to get healthy both eating and exercising, which will help me to loose weight, but I'm having a hard time getting motivated. I've tried finding an "idol" picture of someone I would like to look like and posting that everywhere I can think of, I've tried picturing myself "thin/in shape", and I've tried a wellness coach at my local gym, but I just can't find it in me. If I do find it, it's only for a day, then it's gone again. Does anyone have any ideas? I feel so "lost".


  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I'll volunteer to help motivate you. We can motivate each other. This site rocks~! Feel free to add me if you like!:smile:
  • TaraLW86
    TaraLW86 Posts: 4
    Hello, I know exactly how you feel. I'll wake up one day excited saying "okay this is the day to become a newer healthier me!" but 24 hours later I find myself back to the way I was. Tired, lazy, and unmotivated. I've tried every diet and exercise regime under the sun and nothing has worked because I was never truly motivated. I joined this site hoping to find others who are also looking for help because I feel that support groups might be a great way to gain motivation.
  • cathi26
    cathi26 Posts: 1
    hi i feel that same way, i need encouragement too, my weight is really taking over my life.
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    I too was like you one day i'm ready and up for it the next cant be bothered. You find the more you do it the more you actually want to do it. Everyone has off days and that is ok too you just start the next day with a positive attitude.
    I used to get buses everywhere then i started walking and after weeks of it killing me i'm used to it now and i miss it when i dont do it.

    Grab plenty of friends on here as mine have kept me going and kept me on track and they will not let me quit x

    When you start to see changes in your health and body you will want to do it. Dont' forget the scales are not always your friend best to measure as i may not have lost much in weight but i am losing inches.
  • Imvidal
    Imvidal Posts: 22
    Hi, I'm also new to this site. I COMPLETELY understand. I'm on the same boat. I've put it in my head so much that I hate exercising I now have to battle that. I've tried everything and never get motivated. I'm like the joke of the fam, every time I try and start they crack a joke about how long I'll last. I think my problem is that I am blocked, so maybe by just setting my goal on a daily basis might help. I'll battle a day at a time. I won't overwhelm myself with thinking of what I'll look like in a month. :-) they say that when you do something for 22 days straight you make it a habit. That's what I'm hoping for. You are not alone.
  • I'm new too and I can start but I can only maintain healthy eating and exercise for a month and then I stop. I've never had a support group maybe being accountable will help
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    I'm new too and I can start but I can only maintain healthy eating and exercise for a month and then I stop. I've never had a support group maybe being accountable will help

    It really does. If i'm having a bad day i jump on here and my friends remind me of why im doing this and nobody judges you when you fall off the wagon they just help you back on.
  • Thank you so much, I have felt like I'm the only one, I'm sorry that you all are feeling the same way, but am happy that I'm not the only one out there and I have FINALLY found some support. I will try and stay with this site to get and stay motivated. Thank you all!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Wow, this is a tough one. Motivation is such a personal thing... and I think for it to really "stick", it has to be intrinsic rather than pinned on something external (like fitting into a new outfit, doing it for someone else, etc).

    It might help to break it down into a list. Write down the benefits of doing nothing and staying the same... and write down the benefits of change. Once the benefits of change outweigh the benefits of staying the same - you'll find the motivation you need. It took me a long while to get to the point where I was actually ready to make a change, but an exercise like this helps you understand where you are.

    Best of luck to you!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    You need to set clear goals for yourself and strive to meet them.
    Just saying I want to be healthy and lose weight is not enough ... you need clear goals and an idea for how you will meet them.
    How are you going to handle your favorite foods -- smaller portions or avoidance. What are you going to do for exercise?

    Once you lay out these goals... they will be easier to reach. Here is an example of my goals...
    Ultimately I want to be under a thinner, happier me... I want to feel confident and shop in normal stores...
    My long term goal for 2011 is to be under 200 pounds by the end of the year.
    My short term goal is to be under 250 pounds (hopefully will meet tomorrow)

    I eat more tightly during the week - and relax a bit on the weekends and on long run days!
    I run 3 times per week and do P90X about 4-5 days per week!
    Moderation works for me... abstaining completely does not.

    See ... once they are much more concrete you will be able to meet them!
  • bamboobee
    bamboobee Posts: 10
    I was told once to take a picture of yourself, then take a marker and trace your new body shape over your picture.
    This was it IS YOU but, with some modifications. Just do whatever it is that will help. Walk for just ten minutes at lunch or at home
    everyday then you will feel so good after doing it youll want to walk more....then more....
    good luck and this site is the best MFP rocks! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!:happy:
  • I was so totally like that. I had zero motivation, especially as my husband kept telling me that he loved that I was bigger. I started back in September, just to see if I could lose some weight as I was at my top weight. As soon as I'd tell friends or family that I planned to lose my weight, I saw this look in their eyes, like, " do that." Their lack of faith in me spurred me on at first. Then, as I was succeeding, some of them have openly tried to sabotage me. They will literally beg me to eat garbage. The other day, someone was asking me about my weight loss, and then said that when I lose my weight I'll still have some imperfections, AND THEN NAMED THEM! The fact that people so want me to not succeed is all the motivation I need to become fit for life. Of course, I feel SO much better now, I don't want to ever go back, so that helps. :)

    If you commit to doing this for 1 or 2 months, and tell yourself you're just going to without excuses, I'm sure your personal motivators will soon reveal themselves. (Hopefully they're more positive than some of mine!)
  • doitday
    doitday Posts: 59
    Hi, I feel the same, feel free to add me...we can help each other. You'll find that it's easy at mfp to find great support from within, amongst members. It would be wonder to see/calculate how many pounds mfp has lost since the start of this wonderful site!

    Everyday is a journey/new start it's up to you to remember what your goals are...when all fails, keep up with the your fitness/caloric settings.
  • nicbic123
    nicbic123 Posts: 75 Member
    hi there,
    firstly i must say what a fabulous achievement by losing 258lbs!!!! you are truly an inspiration to the rest of us!! well done:( please add e

    Nikki x
  • tubbyme
    tubbyme Posts: 10
    Well I can say that after ten years plus of doing nothing but being at the height of "unhealthyness" - (is this a real word?) - I think I have found the motivation, what have I done, well I have decided to do it for myself, I have tried doing it for others and well that did not work, so now it’s for me, so think what you wish to achieve, do not have a rigid plan .......must loose "x" amount every week and by "y" I will be this weight as I have found this only leads to personal disappointment. SO just say to yourself from today I am going to make some changes, I am going to lose weight and I am going to get fitter and I know I can do it. I am sure there are lots of propel on here that will say this works. I only registered the other day and it has given me such a burst of enthusiasm, this site really does rock.

    I know you can do it.......... and if I can support in any way I will

    Best of luck... you can do it!!!
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