Malcreos Member


  • She can! Granted it was just a game or two, but I don't think there is anything saying that women can't be in the NHL.
  • Take your measurements. As you said, your clothes may get baggier but your weight doesn't go down as you lose fat and gain muscle. So the scale may frustrate you by staying the same, if your measurements improve, you still feel like you've gotten progress
  • Track everything you eat. The good AND the bad. Seeing the numbers really helped me change my habits. You would THINK that those whole grain oatmeal muffins would be good for you, but no...all muffins are a trap. Also a big help is just to not buy the bad stuff. It's easier if you live alone, or course, but if you don't,…
  • Thanks for all the encouragement and the friend requests! It's surprising how motivating it is to get feedback like this.
  • Thanks guys! davis_em, I'm definitely aware that the pounds fly off way more quickly at first. I refuse to let myself get discouraged about this. I've wallowed in self pity too much in my life, so I'm going to shed that trait along with the weight. As long as there is some change, then I'll be content. I'm going to start…
  • As a new MFPer, welcome! We can 100% do this. I find tracking things in MFP to be a great control mechanism and using the MFP smartphone app let's you scan barcodes of the stuff you eat, making it even easier to track stuff. And easier means means more motivation to do it! Good luck on your new program!
  • Gatineau / Ottawa, Quebtario. I don't know what people are complaining about, finally some refreshing weather!