GhostdogX Member


  • Hi :smile: yours basic BMR is1392( it's for lean body mass what I'm asumming u r) so taking u as runner compeeting on some regular basis it TDE Should fall around 1800 minimum maintaining glycogen stores cuz long distance runs can deplete them easy. . Only complex carbs replenish muscle stores , simple sugars like fructose…
  • Carbs and veggies? Veggies it's mostly carbs. Proteins should be consumed with every meal. Not Legumes but full value proteins Wich is most sources are meat , egg , soya , Brown rice. U cannot make synthesis of amino acids from carb but ur body can make synthesis of glycogen from proteins . If u train u need repair muscle…
  • Try to cut carbs not calories . Get them off it first two meals . Breakfast only proteins and healty fatsTry eat 5 times .less carbs will benefit with no sugar spike/insuline rush what cousing feeling of hunger try get loads fiber in it diet they give u feeling of fullness , carbs only complex , no white bread, pastas only…
  • Joint the club. Im old powerlifter myself. Now afer refit .
  • Hi. you as endomorph dont tolerate carbs due bad insulin managment wich cause carbs turning to fat . Healty fats mono and multi sarurates comming from grape seed oil , coconut oil , linnen seed oil all nuts mostely almonds , coconut , walnuts , peanuts turning into pure energy helping ur body to burn ur body fat + reduce…