No meat at dinner, is that going to help me lost weight?



  • SciranBG
    SciranBG Posts: 97 Member
    Yup, if you remove enough protein from your diet your body will start to break down muscle tissue to fuel itself, and they say muscle is denser than fat.
    Otherwise CICO.
  • Ewok31
    Ewok31 Posts: 45 Member
    eat bison meat, great protein
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Hi, I started not eating meat ( including chicken) at dinner, only take veggies and carb for dinner. I think that will lower the total calorie, but not sure if that is the right way to go about it to lose weight. any comments are welcomed and appreciated.

    If it helps you maintain a caloric deficit, it will aid in weight loss. Otherwise, no.

    Everybody's "easiest" path is a bit different...
  • Hitesc
    Hitesc Posts: 86 Member
    eat your fact when losing weight you need to increase your protein intake... or you will lose muscle. Take this in mind: your heart is a muscle
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »

    Weight loss is based on total calorie deficit. Macronutrients are if minor significance from that point if view.

    Use the tools on the site to plan out your weight loss.


    And personally, eating meat for dinner helps me stay in my deficit better than a carb. Not that I'm low carb...but meat and veggies, yum.
  • sunandstars2
    sunandstars2 Posts: 56 Member

    Find your TDEE (the amount you could/would eat to remain the same weight)

    Take that number, and subtract 500 from it. Eat that amount of calories per day for a while and see how it goes for you. Log it using this site (but keep your exercise log out of it..those calories take into account your activity)

    thank you! i have tried other TDEE calculators and did not get a definitive result. this one is great! i will have to get used to NOT logging my exercize since i LOVE seeing those numbers, but i like the idea of how using a TDEE works. :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    thanks everyone. It was a personal decision to move towards more plant based food with small steps ( like cutting out meat ad dinner first, and eventually, cut out all the meat), but I wasn't sure if it will help with the weight loss or not and I am concerned about the protein as well, hence the post. Thanks so much!

    There are plenty of fat vegetarians.

  • kayeiam
    kayeiam Posts: 215 Member
    Protein is important to feeling satiated. If you cut out meat, find another good protein source and get it in there or, even if you get enough calories, you may feel hungry again sooner than you would have if you had had meat or at least enough protein. Just carbs and veggies might not be enough to satisfy you for long.

    ^^^^ was going to say the same thing... it won't hurt you not to eat meat at dinner, but with just veggies (which have carbs no protein) and carbs (usually no protein), you will feel extremely hungry within an hour or so and may end up binge eating and then go over your calories.
  • kayeiam
    kayeiam Posts: 215 Member
    thanks everyone. It was a personal decision to move towards more plant based food with small steps ( like cutting out meat ad dinner first, and eventually, cut out all the meat), but I wasn't sure if it will help with the weight loss or not and I am concerned about the protein as well, hence the post. Thanks so much!

    Curious.... Why do you not want to eat meat at all??? Is it because you want to become a vegitarian (will still eat animal products like milk, cheese) or vegan (no animal meat or produts).... OR... do you want to cut out meat because you think it is causing more calories and fat in your diet? *** in your opening statement you said for "less calories" is why you didn't want to eat meat for dinner anymore.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    Hi, I started not eating meat ( including chicken) at dinner, only take veggies and carb for dinner. I think that will lower the total calorie, but not sure if that is the right way to go about it to lose weight. any comments are welcomed and appreciated.

    Man, wouldn't that be awesome! Just not eat meat at dinner for a ticket to Fitland!
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    Ounce for ounce starchy carbs have more calories per ounce than meat so why cut it out. Without adequate protein while losing weight, you will lose muscle along with fat. I'd cut out the starchy carbs and have meat and vegetables.
  • scaryg53
    scaryg53 Posts: 268 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for a long time. I quit eating it cold turkey due to some serious digestive issues it causes me. You have to make sure that even though you aren't eating meat, you are getting essential nutrients, it can be hard sometimes. I struggle with eating enough protein and fat, but I promise you, if you rely only on veggies, you'll be gassy and bloated all the time. Just be balanced when cutting out meat.
  • GhostdogX
    GhostdogX Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I started not eating meat ( including chicken) at dinner, only take veggies and carb for dinner. I think that will lower the total calorie, but not sure if that is the right way to go about it to lose weight. any comments are welcomed and appreciated.

    Carbs and veggies? Veggies it's mostly carbs. Proteins should be consumed with every meal. Not Legumes but full value proteins Wich is most sources are meat , egg , soya , Brown rice. U cannot make synthesis of amino acids from carb but ur body can make synthesis of glycogen from proteins . If u train u need repair muscle tissue With amino acids. Glycogen it's just a fuel.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    scaryg53 wrote: »
    I have been a vegetarian for a long time. I quit eating it cold turkey

  • swole_elsa
    swole_elsa Posts: 247 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    you should try never eating meat ever, it wont help with weight loss but the animals will appreciate it

  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    Eat your meat or at least add beans or other types of protein because protein is important. If you are trying to cut down on calories at dinner time, cut down on the starchy stuff.