How Many Calories are you eating?

Hello! I've been wondering how many calories are you eating?

I've done a lot of the bmr equations and my average for my weight, size and lean mass is 2700 calories. The karch mccardle is what I'm going with and with how much I work out a week, I've given myself a 1.5 multiplier. Which would be about 3100 calories, so I've been eating 2300 and I'm still hungry. I guess my question is how much do you eat given your weight and size and lean mass.
I weigh 299 lbs.
I'm 6'1"
And my body fat % is 42%.



  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Why an 800 calorie deficit? A lot of people get hungry with such a steep cut.
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    I'm a woman who weighs c.188, I'm 5'2 and I'm not sure how much my body fat % is - at the gym they said it was probably around yours, but then they also said the machine has huge swings in accuracy, so...

    I eat 1400, but then I'm a lady, so I need less, and I supplement with exercise, so I often eat more than that, though I only eat half my exercise calories back.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Also, I think your numbers are a bit off. I think perhaps you meant 2070 BMR? That's what I get from K-M calculations. Put your numbers in here, 3-5/moderate is a 1.55 multiplier, close to what you report as your activity:

  • creeunit
    creeunit Posts: 21 Member
    Yeah, that's what I'm trying to figure out, for a big guy, if any one else has similar calories goals.
  • GhostdogX
    GhostdogX Posts: 5 Member
    Try to cut carbs not calories . Get them off it first two meals . Breakfast only proteins and healty fatsTry eat 5 times .less carbs will benefit with no sugar spike/insuline rush what cousing feeling of hunger try get loads fiber in it diet they give u feeling of fullness , carbs only complex , no white bread, pastas only wholemeal . Basmati rice ,wholemeal pastas , many more ways. Low intensity cardio around 65% of it max heat rate plus deficit of 500 cal a day. Don't eat it cardio deficit.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    I like Alan Aragon's formula.

    Goal weight x (hours of exercise + 9.5)

    So for example mine is...

    180 x (5+9.5)

    180 x 14.5 = 2610

    2610 per day...
  • sissoujoysme
    Why not try the ketogenic diet.....check the macros for your body will not be hungry I promise you....good luck
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Why not try the ketogenic diet.....check the macros for your body will not be hungry I promise you....good luck

    Why are you arbitrarily recommending this when all OP wanted to know what how much people eat? Considering I eat nearly as much as OP, at 157lbs and female, I can see why he'd be hungry.

    OP, I am 5'7, 157lbs, work out ~4-5hrs a week (most of that is lifting weights), lightly active in my normal life, and I'm eating 2100 to lose ~0.5lb/weelk. But I've lost 1lb/week for the last 2 weeks on this number so I'll likely be raising it to 2200-2300 next Monday if my weight stays at 157 or drops lower; I've been a bit hungry myself, so there is a chance my calories are too low.

    I used the calculator for my TDEE guesstimate, and used a number for a while to monitor. With a 0.5lb/week goal that's 10% below maintenance, but my results indicate 20% below maintenance, so the equations aren't always correct.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    6ft, 168lbs, 17%bf

    I'm currently reversing back up to maintenance after a cut, currently consuming 2600-2800 a day, not far from maintenance, but still seeing a very small weekly loss.

    That's with a busy non-work life, a non-sitting down job and 4/5 2 hour gym sessions of mixed cardio and weights a week.
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    GhostdogX wrote: »
    Try to cut carbs not calories . Get them off it first two meals . Breakfast only proteins and healty fatsTry eat 5 times .less carbs will benefit with no sugar spike/insuline rush what cousing feeling of hunger try get loads fiber in it diet they give u feeling of fullness , carbs only complex , no white bread, pastas only wholemeal . Basmati rice ,wholemeal pastas , many more ways. Low intensity cardio around 65% of it max heat rate plus deficit of 500 cal a day. Don't eat it cardio deficit.

  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    GhostdogX wrote: »
    Try to cut carbs not calories . Get them off it first two meals . Breakfast only proteins and healty fatsTry eat 5 times .less carbs will benefit with no sugar spike/insuline rush what cousing feeling of hunger try get loads fiber in it diet they give u feeling of fullness , carbs only complex , no white bread, pastas only wholemeal . Basmati rice ,wholemeal pastas , many more ways. Low intensity cardio around 65% of it max heat rate plus deficit of 500 cal a day. Don't eat it cardio deficit.

    what the frack is this
  • lindseyrenee8
    lindseyrenee8 Posts: 27 Member
    2000. My bmr is 3000. Im not hungry. I load up on protein.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Apparently too many.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    My average is in the 1800's. Depending on the day, my normal range is 1600-2000 (sometimes more sometimes less).
    Average weight lost for the past 5 months is 1.34lbs per week
    Average weight lost for the past quarter is 1.13lbs per week
    Average weight lost for the past month is 0.98lbs per week
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    I've been messing around with different calorie amounts. Most recently I was using 2150 calories, the calorie allowance I'm given when I set up MFP for me to lose half a pound each week. But with default macros, I found that no matter how many calories I ate, I just wasn't getting enough protein to satisfy my hunger. Since then, I've gone back down to 1600 calories and increased the protein ratio to 45%. I'm only 5'5", so 1600 calories is a fair amount (plus, I don't get much exercise). I might end up increasing my calories by a little more too, whatever works. Once I can afford a gym membership with the little cash I get from working part time, I'll start exercising again. I just got really tired of walking/running around the neighborhood, and my house doesn't really have the room for exercise equipment.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    creeunit wrote: »
    Hello! I've been wondering how many calories are you eating?

    I've done a lot of the bmr equations and my average for my weight, size and lean mass is 2700 calories. The karch mccardle is what I'm going with and with how much I work out a week, I've given myself a 1.5 multiplier. Which would be about 3100 calories, so I've been eating 2300 and I'm still hungry. I guess my question is how much do you eat given your weight and size and lean mass.
    I weigh 299 lbs.
    I'm 6'1"
    And my body fat % is 42%.

    2300 seems reasonable, but if you want to do a more gradual cut 2600 might be easier.

    I weigh 125 now and am doing around 1800 (about a 250 cut, since I'm close to goal, I'm pretty active). I did 1250 when I was fatter, which was a 1000 cut, and was okay on that, but now I couldn't manage it.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I eat between 1780 and 2040 calories depending on my activity level for the day.
  • joepratt503
    joepratt503 Posts: 191 Member
    6'1 202lb, I am eating right at 2000 calories a day, about 1400 net and getting good results.

    My advice, even though it will take longer, slow step into your calorie deficit. Yes it adds weeks to your goal but its a far sight better than shock-n-awe.
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    edited March 2015
    creeunit wrote: »
    Hello! I've been wondering how many calories are you eating?

    I've done a lot of the bmr equations and my average for my weight, size and lean mass is 2700 calories. The karch mccardle is what I'm going with and with how much I work out a week, I've given myself a 1.5 multiplier. Which would be about 3100 calories, so I've been eating 2300 and I'm still hungry. I guess my question is how much do you eat given your weight and size and lean mass.
    I weigh 299 lbs.
    I'm 6'1"
    And my body fat % is 42%.

    161 sm , 48 kg, workout every day for 1 h and am usually at approx 350-400 deficit ( I usually eat approx. 1300 cal most of the days or something like this). I think that it works out for me.
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    when I go to maintain mode I might increase the cal