mdgtfrmhll Member


  • I took my son this past weekend to see him and the tickets came out to $90 after everything. The laughter I heard coming out of that kid would have made it worth it even if I wasn't laughing just as hard. If you have the money to spend, it's definitely worth it.
  • I think whether or not you lose the boobs depends on the type of breast tissue you have. If you have dense breast tissue, that means your breasts are not really made up of fat and in that case, you might lose the excess fat from around the back, but you will keep the majority of the breast tissue. I could be understanding…
  • That's a wonderful feeling. Keep up your hard work.
    in NSV~ Comment by mdgtfrmhll January 2012
  • Way to go. What an accomplishment. You should be very proud of what you've done. Keep up the great work.
  • I started the 30DS on Tuesday and did day 2 yesterday. My legs are so sore....but I'm in it for the long haul. I make my son stay out of the room because he is 13 and would spend the entire time making fun of now I hear from his room the entire time, "You okay mom...need me to call an ambulance?" That is all the…
  • Great job! I know how hard that can be. I myself was addicted to soda. Had to have it everyday and if I didn't the headaches were horrendous. I like you went cold turkey and have been off soda for about ten days now. It's the little victories that count. Keep with it. You are doing great!
  • Awesome job. Keep at it. The hard work will pay off in the end.:smile:
  • Awesome job. How inspiring for others with Type 2 diabetes. I'm trying to get my mom to come on here and read some of the success stories and yours will be one of the first I have her read. Thanks so much for telling your story.
  • Awesome look great.....Happy Birthday....
  • Wonderful......great job!:happy: