Brought Type 2 diabetes under control in 30 Days

Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
I'm 51 with a soon-to-be 4 yr. old daughter. When my doctor told me I had type 2 diabetes on Dec.11 of last month, all I could think about was how much of my little girl's life I was going to miss. I was 247lbs. With a fasting blood sugar level of 154 (anything over 100 is bad), 257 after 2 hours in the glucose test (anything over 140 is considered bad), and an A1C of 6.8.

Then, one of my students turned me on to MFP, I started on the 13th of Dec. Now, on the 12th of Jan., I weigh 228, with a fasting BSL of 93, and a 96 two hours after my meal. I did it all on a diet of 1780 cals./day until dropping to 1590 3 days ago. I've eaten good foods, but pretty much what and when i feel like it, and even allowed for two beers a day. I also exercise about 5 hours a week with 1 hour of weights and 4 hours of cardio/fat burning.

Thanks to MFP I can't wait for my next Doctor appointment in March when I hope to weigh about 210. And thanks BigB for the tip.


  • mdgtfrmhll
    mdgtfrmhll Posts: 12 Member
    Awesome job. How inspiring for others with Type 2 diabetes. I'm trying to get my mom to come on here and read some of the success stories and yours will be one of the first I have her read.

    Thanks so much for telling your story.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Glad I could help. It also helped with the sleep apnea, acid reflux, and restless sleep. I can't wait to continue the journey to my marathon body of 15 years ago. I hope to get to my wedding weight of 210 by our 5th honeymoon anniversary in April when we are returning to Cabo San Lucas.
  • amisbest
    amisbest Posts: 38 Member
    Good job w/your wt loss and getting your bs under control. I just started about a week ago, and my BS was 108 this morning. I am sorry to say that I had some readings in the 200's last month. I need to get my A1C checked to see what is really going on. Diet and exercise seem to be the only way to get under control. Are you taking meds? I would really like to get off of them.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    No, my goal was to avoid meds. I am on meds for cholesterol & high BP, but my next goal includes getting off them as well. A1 C test is paid for by most insurance co.s so it would be prudent to get it checked. I guess I'll be doing it again soon. Good can be done.
  • morrowsarah
    morrowsarah Posts: 240 Member
    Great job. That is something to be proud of!
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    congratulations--glad you made it here. There are a few of us middle aged guys here that have decided to not be a statistic
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    It really makes you think when the majority of the participants i see on MFP are in their late teens or early 20's--what are we doing to our kids? It's scary the amount of childhood obesity that we are promoting in our society.
  • silentnacht
    That is amazing. Your little girl is going to be so proud of you when she grows up. :smile:
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    Im to a diabetic and have seen what small changes can do for your blood sugar... continue to strive for a better number ...ur on the right path!:bigsmile:
    Hello everyone, I,m new to this and would appreciate any advice for lowering my sugar. I also have Hypothyroidism..
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