

  • I believe you have to add me as friend to be able to review your diary.but i can tell you that you shoul have as little carbs as possible you dont need to fuel your work out with carbs you have stored energy you want to burn. so thats a nono.i think keeping carbs below 80 to100 is what would work good .Like i said add me…
  • I dont think i would look good in a bikini but im in for 8 lbs lol.lets get moving!!!!!
  • Whats done is done all you have to do for the next 2 weeks is reduce your calorie intake daily by 400 calories and keep your total net carbs intake no higher than 60 a day you will fall back into your weight loss path.good luck!
  • My suggestion to you is while on vacation will be hard for you to select what and when and how much to eat because since you are new you dont have a system that works for you as far as meals and so on so i think that if you use a basic rule you will be fine. 1-Eat well in the mornnings i mean as far as quantity(its early…
  • Well thanks but i just need to say it out loud:i AM AN ADDDDDDIIIICCCTED LOLtHE WORLD WILL NEVER BE THE SAME ONCE I REACH MY 190lbs GOAL.
  • I think if you concentrate only on one day at a time you will find it easier to reeducate your eatting habbits. Dont worry about if you are going to be eatting a big fat burger 2 years from now cause by then your motivations daily will probably be different .Just try to win your daily battles with food ,everytime you go to…
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