Can someone please review my food



  • I agree with amie_46 I think there's a lack of fresh fruit and veg. Each calorie you eat should be an opportunity to really nourish your body with vitamins, minerals, fibre etc for lovely shiny hair, good skin, feeling energised and preventing disease. I feel like calories are wasted on diet syrup, diet butter spreads and protein shakes - all full of unnatural chemicals that mess with your body's chemistry. Also I'm not sure you need protein shakes at all, too much protein just overloads your kidneys and isn't really necessary. Sorry if i sound negative (I actually had an exam on analysing diet diaries today!!) Your calorie intake is nice and low, you shoudl still lose the weight, but you will feel more fabulous if you cut out the processed stuff. If you can't pronounce the ingredients it's not good to eat!! Best of luck, Im sure you'll do great!

    Interesting you say that about the water for my protein shakes. I posted a question about that last week if that counts as my water intake for the day and several people suggested no. They it was suggested that only clear, natural water should be counted. Not water used to "make" anything... but hey, if I do add that, it's just 20 more oz a day I've consumed and explains my non-stop peeing. LOL

    Wow, this really helped and I completely appreciate it!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Where are your fruits and veggies????

    I have broccoli as a side dish with dinner, I had corn the other night, I cook onions and mushrooms with my meals, I eat a small fruit salad a snack most nights, and often have an apple as a snack, just bought celery yesterday as a snack. I will add more veggies, they are sooooo yummy and I realize now I think I need more... eat fruit daily but need more veggies!!! Got it!

    I'll buy a small veggie tray at Publix and snack on that for two days. And, yes, I will GRAZE but only on veggies.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    In my research, I learned that it is recommended to try to consume equal amounts of potassium as sodium. You might consider watching that category too.
    Food manufacturers are not required to include potassium on nutrition panels so tracking potassium using MFP's diary settings is useless. You're getting more postassium than your diary shows. The vitamins you're taking should take care of that for you. Instead of tracking potassium I suggest tracking fiber or sugar. You may go over on sugar but as long it's coming from whole foods like fruit, vegetables and milk you'll be fine. It's the refined or "added" sugars you need to limit.

    Please read the "guide to calorie deficits" link in my signature. I think it will help you a great deal.

    You can customize your macro percentages and micros by going to My Home>>Goals>>Change Goals>>Custom. Save your changes. I recommend increasing protein to 20-35%; being on the higher end if you're doing strength training. Decrease carbs and/or fat to compensate. Increase your fiber goal to 25-30g per day. Protein and fiber will help you feel full longer. Lower your sodium goal; best is 1800mg but many people find that very difficult right off the bat so aim for less than 2300mg and work your way down. Cutting out processed/packaged foods will help a great deal.

    I wish you the best of luck. You can do it!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    In my research, I learned that it is recommended to try to consume equal amounts of potassium as sodium. You might consider watching that category too.
    Food manufacturers are not required to include potassium on nutrition panels so tracking potassium using MFP's diary settings is useless. You're getting more postassium than your diary shows. The vitamins you're taking should take care of that for you. Instead of tracking potassium I suggest tracking fiber or sugar. You may go over on sugar but as long it's coming from whole foods like fruit, vegetables and milk you'll be fine. It's the refined or "added" sugars you need to limit.

    I realize that as I began tracking potassium that the info was not always available. Still, I was suffering from edema last week and I made this adjustment and instantly saw improvement. I got this info from a health professional. It is generally recommended for people with hypertension. Increasing potassium is really only meant to help those who are already experiencing ill effects from increased levels of sodium. Still, results are results.
  • Please read the "guide to calorie deficits" link in my signature. I think it will help you a great deal.

    You can customize your macro percentages and micros by going to My Home>>Goals>>Change Goals>>Custom. Save your changes. I recommend increasing protein to 20-35%; being on the higher end if you're doing strength training. Decrease carbs and/or fat to compensate. Increase your fiber goal to 25-30g per day. Protein and fiber will help you feel full longer. Lower your sodium goal; best is 1800mg but many people find that very difficult right off the bat so aim for less than 2300mg and work your way down. Cutting out processed/packaged foods will help a great deal.

    I wish you the best of luck. You can do it!

    Thank you!!!!!
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I'd suggest more lean protein. Seems like you have a lot left over in the protein area. Protein keeps you fuller and helps with your muscle too:smile:
  • I believe you have to add me as friend to be able to review your diary.but i can tell you that you shoul have as little carbs as possible you dont need to fuel your work out with carbs you have stored energy you want to burn. so thats a nono.i think keeping carbs below 80 to100 is what would work good .Like i said add me and i will try to help.Good luck.
  • AshCain
    AshCain Posts: 13
    Cut down the sodium by cutting back on the amount of packaged foods.
  • Everyone's input has really helped! Thank you... :heart:

    Here's to success!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • ltcampbell
    ltcampbell Posts: 19
    I agree with amie_46 I think there's a lack of fresh fruit and veg. Each calorie you eat should be an opportunity to really nourish your body with vitamins, minerals, fibre etc for lovely shiny hair, good skin, feeling energised and preventing disease. I feel like calories are wasted on diet syrup, diet butter spreads and protein shakes - all full of unnatural chemicals that mess with your body's chemistry. Also I'm not sure you need protein shakes at all, too much protein just overloads your kidneys and isn't really necessary. Sorry if i sound negative (I actually had an exam on analysing diet diaries today!!) Your calorie intake is nice and low, you shoudl still lose the weight, but you will feel more fabulous if you cut out the processed stuff. If you can't pronounce the ingredients it's not good to eat!! Best of luck, Im sure you'll do great!

    Interesting you say that about the water for my protein shakes. I posted a question about that last week if that counts as my water intake for the day and several people suggested no. They it was suggested that only clear, natural water should be counted. Not water used to "make" anything... but hey, if I do add that, it's just 20 more oz a day I've consumed and explains my non-stop peeing. LOL

    Wow, this really helped and I completely appreciate it!

    I have been told by doctors and "health experts" that all water you intake counts. You need about 8 glasses of water in addition to the water in your food etc... But, if you are adding an excess amount of water like in a protein shake... that is extra water!
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