hi everyone

lucyloowho Posts: 9 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I just started last saturday and probably the wrong time to start because i'm going on vacation to AZ, NM,TX AND LA any tips on how i can kinda stay on path with eating right if at all possible??:happy:


  • wicklessgal
    wicklessgal Posts: 56 Member
    Just keep up keeping track of your calories as best as you can while away. Keep checking in for support too! This group is great! Add me if you want! HAVE A FUN VACATION!!!!
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Im from the Uk and went on vacation (holiday to us Brits lol) to Vegas not so long back and I stayed on track best thing I can suggest is just to be selective about what you choose be aware of portion sizes and try to avoid getting sides, It worked for me I LOST weight while I was there lol I was surprised but I never lost sight of what I was doing and I guess that's important too, Of course dont get too caught up and enjoy yourself you are on vacation after all. Good luck and have a great holiday xxx
  • honey3994
    honey3994 Posts: 4
    Hi, first of all enjoy your trip. Don't get real involved in heavy dieting. Eat what you really want but stop when you feel satisfied. Sometimes I get a doggy bag before I even start. I don't like left overs so I give the extra away to a friend or I just leave it. I eat light most of the time and then try to make careful choices when we eat out. Try to treat yourself nicely, be kind,be forgiving and don"t say mean things to yourself. Be happy and give yourself time for changes. Have a wonderful,happy time. God bless.--- honey3994
  • Traveling means eating on the road (unless visiting a relative or friend - LOL)... Therefore, get pamphlets from any restaurant or fast food with the calorie intake. Most of the restaurants have them, look for them or simply ask for it. Good luck on your weight loss. Feel free to add me as a friend. I will like to know your outcome after your vacation. Enjoy!!!
  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    It can be done, as these young ladies said keep track as best you can. Don’t go to far overboard, if you do(you are on vacation after all, not jail).

    Keep track on your phone if you can. Just be conscious that you want to remain somewhat on a diet. Then when you get back make it your own law to diet and exercise.

    Have a good vacation and good luck on your goals!
  • lucyloowho
    lucyloowho Posts: 9 Member
    thank you all for your suggestion I am writing all this down...leaving next week hoping to lose 10# before i leave....
  • dwieferich
    dwieferich Posts: 12 Member
    Have fun on your vacation. What part of Az
  • MJLavaty
    MJLavaty Posts: 72 Member
    Plan ahead what places have "meals" that fit your calorie requirements. I know if I go to this particular fast food place this is what I am going to order. A salad with Light Italian Dressing never fails! Have fun on your vacation...oh and steer clear of mexican or places that serve chips/bread before the meal.
  • lucyloowho
    lucyloowho Posts: 9 Member
    thank you so much for the excellent advice, im really nervous im doing so good without all this unnecessary sugar im scared for the "road trip" I hope I can do this especially with all the louisiana cooking...thank you again...
  • lucyloowho
    lucyloowho Posts: 9 Member
    thank you I had the "oh no Im going to be in jail" mode but thank you for helping me out with that....Louisiana here we come....
  • lucyloowho
    lucyloowho Posts: 9 Member
    def. love salads and not a mexican food eater too spicy lol... i am part mexican and I cook it myself but don't eat much spicy stuff ..my husband sure can though..lol thanks for the advice...
  • lucyloowho
    lucyloowho Posts: 9 Member
    flagstaff trying to see the meteor crater national park on our way to Louisiana...
  • carl190lbs
    carl190lbs Posts: 7
    My suggestion to you is while on vacation will be hard for you to select what and when and how much to eat because since you are new you dont have a system that works for you as far as meals and so on so i think that if you use a basic rule you will be fine.

    1-Eat well in the mornnings i mean as far as quantity(its early in the day and you will have all day to burn it.
    2While on vacation usualy you going to eat out.so this is what you do-everytime they serve you a meal ask for an extra plate and a take out container,before you start eating divide the food in 3 parts put 2 in the take out container and keep 1 for you to eat.eat that one as slow as you can.
    3-if eatting bread go for the whole wheat,stay away from sugars,no sodas,when eatting fruits eat small portions.
    4-try not to eat after 6 pm if you do definetly no sugars or breads or pasta,rice,potatoes

    this is basic but i guarantee you will feel the difference.Good luck.
  • MrsAnika
    MrsAnika Posts: 2
    Hi everyone! My name is Mrs. Anika and I’m new to the site and So far, I like it.
    I never realized how much calories I was consuming in a given day (even thought I thought I was doing a good job with counting the calories).
    I hope to make friend, find a workout partner or group and of course lose my pounds.
    Really looking forward to this journey and meeting so new people.
    Hope to hear from some on soon.
    Have a great day everyone!
  • lucyloowho
    lucyloowho Posts: 9 Member
    hi mrs anika i am new to the site as well and like you i didn't realize how many calories i was consuming either i was shocked but im on the the road to recovery now...welcome:smile:
  • lucyloowho
    lucyloowho Posts: 9 Member
    thanks you for that great advice i will take it and use it definitely. It will be hard being around all that cajun cooking but i will do my best...
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