ook_ga Member


  • Nice! Thanks for the tip!
  • This is a thing? I stop eating when I'm full, and on super active days that can sometimes mean taking in 1,000 fewer calories than my FB says I've burned. Obviously bodies are different, but I was under the impression consensus stated eating fewer calories than you burn will cause you to lose weight. -250 calories a day to…
  • Same. I spent an hour at the grocery store the other day and barely had anything to show for it D:
  • Shenanigans is the perfect term. I've heard some people have a shorter running stride than walking, though in picturing such I chuckle. Running generally uses fewer steps. A 10 mile run takes me ~13 thousand steps, so they'd REALLY have to be getting out there every day. I've been really close to 20k lately but haven't…
  • Thanks for the input, everybody. I agree that it's not sensible to chase people obsessed with something so trivial, but I find some value in trying to keep up with someone similarly active. I've been around ~19k the last few days, and that takes a long walk with the dogs and 40 minutes on the treadmill on top of my general…
  • https://www.fitbit.com/user/42HT59
  • When it comes to weight loss, it's calories in vs calories out. It doesn't matter what you're eating. Burn more than you consume and you'll lose weight. However, when it comes to cutting body fat, monitoring macros comes into play. I found this macro calculator spreadsheet on a bodybuilding forum and it helped me develop a…
  • I've been vegan for nearly 10 years. It's super easy, but having people be able to spy on your food diary and call you out makes it's even easier :wink: