

  • I have 30g Bran Flakes with semi-skimmed milk which MFP calculates at 190 calories If I'm having lunch later I chop a banana on top to fill me up
  • I am getting Wii fit soon as I have heard from friends that it is really good but I would highly recommend Just Dance too as it has popular songs to get you dancing and the moves are just like aerobics classes but so much more fun!
    in Wii fit Comment by Anna_76 February 2010
  • Hi everyone! I want to lose 3 stones but I am struggling! I have been to a certain popular weight lose group in 2008 and lost 2.5 stone with them which was great but I have gradually put that back on since I left in June last year so now I'm back where I started :grumble: I'm desparate for it to go well this time so I…