

  • I've never experienced this personally but one of my best friends lost over 50 lbs. in her 30s very quickly and had loose skin. She did body wraps and had really good results after just a couple of wraps. Far less invasive than surgery (obviously), and also less expensive. It's worth a try to do it a couple of times and…
  • Did it...it was so hard. I dunno what I was expecting, but wow that was challenging. What free weights are people using? I modified with an 8 lb. kettlebell since I don't have free weights and hubs gave me two bookends that probably weigh 1.5 lbs apiece. My muscles are sore...so sore. I'm so glad I did it though-I can't…
  • I've wanted to run a full for a long time but haven't done it-kudos to you! I figure I probably better work on it sooner rather than later, and I'm planning to make 2015 the year. It's so much harder to run once you stop and I've been kicking myself for stopping, but it's just encouragement to stick with it this time…
  • Love this! And I always acknowledge others, but find that there are only certain ones that acknowledge me or wave back. The ones who don't are usually super fast, in their 20's, and super fit. There must be levels in this secret society and I'm not there yet...lol
  • I used Pact for over 6 months and had minimal problems with it-just like pretty much everyone is saying, there are some kinks but they're honest and work them out. I never did the food logging or fruit/veg (after the time I stopped using Pact), but the point of the app hit home for me-I wasn't willing to give up $5 a…
  • I'm in!! See you later, fat jeans.
  • You look amazing-that's great inspiration. Thanks for sharing-you motivate me to work hard!
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