

  • Try mixing it up a little, HIIT is a great way to boost your metabolism for hours even after you've finished exercising and improve overall fitness. Secondly, I'd recommend lifting some big weights: deadlifts, squats, bench presses, etc as, again, compound lifting gets your metabolism going for longer. Can I ask what your…
  • Hi geebusuk, This next 10 weeks is mostly for cutting fat, muscle gain will take a back seat although I will still try to make a few gains. The training isn't super complicated, it's just faced paced, high intensity lifting to failure. Kind of a HIIT equivalent but with weights. A few guys at the gym introduced me to this…
  • Hey Gustaaf, glad to hear you're doing so well :) 10kg is optimistic I agree, I would be happy with anything over 5, and 10kg by the end of the year is definitely my goal. I also work 40-50 hours a week and to be honest I'm not going to have much downtime after/before work, but I get up 2/3 times a week at 6 AM, gym by…
  • Thanks for having me tbrain :) I'm currently following the Hero Sessions workout by Kirk Miller on the MyProtein website. It compromises of a 6 day split of high intensity, fast paced supersets starting with low reps of high weights moving down to high reps reps of low weights once glycogen stores are depleted. My diet is…
  • Mine is pretty hectic at the minute, I really want to get a good head start. Training 6 days a week, each session focuses on 1 or 2 body parts. I do 4 Supersets, the first focusing on power, 5 reps per muscle group failing bang on the 5th, moving on to the 2nd body-part without rest. The second Superset focuses on…