

  • Cat 1-2's aren't anything to laugh at. Hurricane Irene last year made landfall in the Carolinas as a Cat 1, and flooded the entire East Coast all the way up to Canada and cost almost $25 billion in damage. Yes, there's not as much wind, but when 10" of rain falls in a mountainous region (the Berkshires, Vermont, etc) it'll…
  • ^^^love that look hahahaha!
  • ^^^ I've always had a similar routine for V-Day!! There's a guy that I'm *hoping* I'll be doing something with this year, but part of me is a little loathe to be giving up my "normal plans"...lol :)
  • I have a New Balance N4, which is made for women. I have decently sized "girls" (TMI, lol) and I had read that bands can be uncomfortable for larger women. I hardly notice the band! It's also adjustable, so one can make it looser/tighter as need be. It's also on the lower price range, under $80. Hope this helps :)
  • Congrats!! You and your story is a huge inspiration! :)
  • As a last minute idea last year, I also tried potatoes in a separate plastic container. The plants seemed to grow very well, and when came time to harvest, there were lots of potatoes - and of good size - but all were mushy and rotten. Be careful if you use a container or pot that there is REALLY good drainage! This year…
  • Yes and no. For me, it depends on how many calories I burn in a day. If I have a short workout and only burn 200 calories, I might not eat extra, but if I have an bigger day where I burn 500 or 600 calories, then I'll usually try to eat back about half of those calories. I also try to eat at least around 1200 net calories…
  • ^^^this is exactly my stance on the matter...if i end up plateauing, and can't break it, then my view might change if upping the calories a bit ends up working. but for now, time will tell!!
  • I'm 5'3", and in high school i weighed between 115 and 125-ish. Right now I'm 156, and my goal is 130. I figure if I can get down to that, and maintain there for a while without difficulty, I might try for 125 again. :)
  • This spring will be my 2nd year growing my own vegetables. Last year I grew tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers with BIG results, and zucchini with barely any fruits...I think i only got 2 or 3 zucchinis the whole season! I live in eastern Massachusetts, so we have a shorter season than much of the country. The library has…
  • Lindsey Vonn: I grew up alpine racing in the same junior circuit as Lindsey, and I used to have a similar athletic build as she does now. Cause of that, I know I'll never be able to get super skinny or defined, but I consider hers a great example of a healthy athletic body. I used to wear the same kind of racing suit, and…
  • oh man, growing up in his town, and being the year younger than him...he was the guy all the girls were loving. he did go through the awkward teenage phase, but, looking back, it was a gorgeous(!!) awkwardness...hahaha! and he's more gorgeous now... ;)
  • I just invested in an HRM (New Balance N4) the other day, and it's probably one of the best decisions I've made in a while - other than deciding to get in better health/shape! I'm well-endowed, and I read that some people find that the HRM is uncomfortable, but the only time I notice that I'm wearing it is when I bang the…
  • Hi there! Congrats on your engagement! :) One of the big reason's why I kicked started losing weight a couple weeks ago was that I found out the my best friend got engaged and the wedding is set for September, and she asked me to be the maid of honor. I don't want to embarass myself by looking less than my best in the…
  • I know it's a bit late, but I already personally had a Valentine's Day goal...so i'm putting it out here! Current Weight: 158 V-Day Goal: 153 (will be 10 lbs total lost) :)
  • Girl Scout cookies. especially Thin Mints and Samoas. Definately! yumm...
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