Hurricane Issac

AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
Anyone having a hurricane party? I will be working tomorrow so drink an extra one for me.


  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    My nephew far it's a party of 1
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I wonder how many people are drinking Hurricanes right now at Pat O'Brien's in New Orleans.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I wonder how many people are drinking Hurricanes right now at Pat O'Brien's in New Orleans.

    Downtown new orleans is deserted or boarded up
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    We wanted to have a party. And the day off. But the Bay Area didn't get much of anything. So sad. :/

    Then again, if it's less than a CAT 3 it's not really worth getting excited about. Tropical Storm for us is basically any normal day in the summer with some extra wind.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    My nephew far it's a party of 1

    Boo that's no fun. We'll have a drink together
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Nope, too busy getting prepped for it. I'm in Mobile. :drinker:
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    We wanted to have a party. And the day off. But the Bay Area didn't get much of anything. So sad. :/

    Then again, if it's less than a CAT 3 it's not really worth getting excited about. Tropical Storm for us is basically any normal day in the summer with some extra wind.

    Same here, until this happens:




  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    @Foxypoo61287 - Nice avatar. :D

    Where are you located? I'm in Pasco (don't laugh).

    Isaac didn't do much around here.. But Debby sure did. Tons of sinkholes north of me and lots of flooding south of me. Nothing that lasted more than a few days and I only had to make one detour to work.. But a lot of places are screwed if something actually hits hard.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    @Foxypoo61287 - Nice avatar. :D

    Where are you located? I'm in Pasco (don't laugh).

    Isaac didn't do much around here.. But Debby sure did. Tons of sinkholes north of me and lots of flooding south of me. Nothing that lasted more than a few days and I only had to make one detour to work.. But a lot of places are screwed if something actually hits hard.

    Thanks! :wink:

    West Palm Beach Florida. The EAST coast of Florida. Only about 7 Miles from the beach.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I wonder how many people are drinking Hurricanes right now at Pat O'Brien's in New Orleans.

    Downtown new orleans is deserted or boarded up

    Good to know. The French Quarter was not damaged much in Katrina, wonder what happens this time around.
  • uncbluegirl
    We wanted to have a party. And the day off. But the Bay Area didn't get much of anything. So sad. :/

    Then again, if it's less than a CAT 3 it's not really worth getting excited about. Tropical Storm for us is basically any normal day in the summer with some extra wind.

    Cat 1-2's aren't anything to laugh at. Hurricane Irene last year made landfall in the Carolinas as a Cat 1, and flooded the entire East Coast all the way up to Canada and cost almost $25 billion in damage. Yes, there's not as much wind, but when 10" of rain falls in a mountainous region (the Berkshires, Vermont, etc) it'll trigger mudslides that will wipe out roads, buildings, and towns that are in it's path...

    Isaac isn't going to be strong, but it is forecast to dump about 20" of rain. In New Orleans, that could be a nightmare. Especially when a good 30 minute downpour flooded many streets with water up to my knees cause the pumps can't keep up...
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I wonder how many people are drinking Hurricanes right now at Pat O'Brien's in New Orleans.

    Downtown new orleans is deserted or boarded up DD left the city a few hours ago and last I time I talked to her she was crawling to Baton Rouge. I hope she got there so she could get off the interstate.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I wonder how many people are drinking Hurricanes right now at Pat O'Brien's in New Orleans.

    Downtown new orleans is deserted or boarded up

    Good to know. The French Quarter was not damaged much in Katrina, wonder what happens this time around.

    FQ should be fine. Bienville (I think that's who decided to build there? I need to ask my mom who's a LA history buff) picked a good place, free from flooding.

    I'll be here on the northshore, drinking my crappy beer.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Pffft hurricane. That's not a hurricane.
  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    Can't believe you people are joking about a hurricane - my best friend is right in the middle of it and no one has heard from her - yeah lets have a party!!
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    @Foxypoo61287 - Nice avatar. :D

    Where are you located? I'm in Pasco (don't laugh).

    Isaac didn't do much around here.. But Debby sure did. Tons of sinkholes north of me and lots of flooding south of me. Nothing that lasted more than a few days and I only had to make one detour to work.. But a lot of places are screwed if something actually hits hard.

    Thanks! :wink:

    West Palm Beach Florida. The EAST coast of Florida. Only about 7 Miles from the beach.

    That's the one reason I don't really want to move to the East coast. As much as I absolutely love it.. I feel that we don't get hit as bad in my area in comparison. But the Gulf of Mexico sucks. :/
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I wonder how many people are drinking Hurricanes right now at Pat O'Brien's in New Orleans.

    Downtown new orleans is deserted or boarded up

    Good to know. The French Quarter was not damaged much in Katrina, wonder what happens this time around.

    FQ should be fine. Bienville (I think that's who decided to build there? I need to ask my mom who's a LA history buff) picked a good place, free from flooding.

    I'll be here on the northshore, drinking my crappy beer.

    Yay crappy beer! I'll probably be off Wednesday so I'll get to drink my crappy beer tomorrow night.

    I'm also amending my previous statement, that are a few insane bars open on Bourbon Street. They are crazy.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Can't believe you people are joking about a hurricane - my best friend is right in the middle of it and no one has heard from her - yeah lets have a party!!

    Uhm I'm right ouside new orleans and I have to WORK tomorrow, so yeah, I'm going to make light of a bad situation thanks.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Can't believe you people are joking about a hurricane - my best friend is right in the middle of it and no one has heard from her - yeah lets have a party!!

    We can't escape it, might as well embrace it.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Can't believe you people are joking about a hurricane - my best friend is right in the middle of it and no one has heard from her - yeah lets have a party!!

    Uhm I'm right ouside new orleans and I have to WORK tomorrow, so yeah, I'm going to make light of a bad situation thanks.


    The poster is from Cali.. Just saying.