captaindle Member


  • THIS!!! SOOOOOOO this!
  • I believe it has to do with BMR. A 500lb person will have a much higher BMR than a 300lb person. Then, depending on how far calories are being restricted, the larger person will have a much greater daily deficit. Also, as we lose weight, our BMR drops so our deficits reduce and weight loss slows. Exercise will help…
  • Having lost 80 - 90 pounds twice before, I can tell you from experience that it does take the brain a little while to catch up with our current body. It happened both ways for me. When I got thin, I still fetl big. Then my brain adjusted and when I got big I still felt thin for a while. It is a process so don't beat…
  • This! I am amazed at how thoughtlessly the people close to me can behave at times. Some are well intentioned but others I feel sure are certainly trying to sabotage me. I've always been a direct, head on type of person so I don't get much, if any, push back when I tell people to knock it the hell off. And my god, if anyone…
  • I told a friend that while I lived in Colombia I got a parasite. I couldn't eat and if I did it all came right back out the back end in a most unpleasant way. She literally said to me, "What a great way to lose weight." I've also heard of people purposely ingesting tape worms.
  • I had a very difficult relationship with my father. When I was a kid he was abusive and frankly it took me some time to get over being "afraid" of him. One day I realized that he had absolutely NO CONTROL over me in any way. He has mellowed and changed a lot as he's gotten older and we've started to have a rellationship…
  • What also helps me to stay motivated is small goals. That way the thing doesn't seem SO monumental. Every time I pass a 5 or a 0 on the scale I get very excited! Every time I'm down an inch on my waist or hips, I'm thrilled. As others have said, I also put together a list of things that motivate me so I can go to that…
  • Funny where on our bodies we see the changes. Congrats!! I love, love, love shoes and having them fit better is certainly a big motivator. One of the places I've noticed my weight loss since I started is in my fingers. My rings are loose!! It just shows up in the oddest places. Now, for the hips!! Hahaha. Keep up the great…
    in Feet Comment by captaindle August 2014
  • Congrats!! That is huge and very exciting. I hope you find many fun new looks for your new body!!
  • First of all, I'm so sorry this is happening to you and that you're going through this. I have been there as well. It sucks!!! So cry, scream, feel miserable, and wallow in it for a little while. Then, pick youself up, throw on some Gloria Gaynor's I will Survive and Kelly Clarkson's Stronger and get motivated. In the…
  • My birthday is also in February and sadly for me at 40 I was on the way back up with my weight. Five days before my bday in 1993 my mother who was my best friend died suddenly in an accident. The stress of that apparently caused me to develop hypothyroidism. I chalked the weight gain up to grief and it took months before I…
  • Yes, I certainly feel I've taken much more abuse from the world in general as an overweight woman. I guess the point I was trying to make initially is that many overwheight people understand how it feels to be talked down to because of our bodies. Why would we then turn around and do that to another group of peope?…
  • I'm using Phent as part of a doctor monitored program. As part of that, I'm being taught good eating habits, the science behind how our bodies respond to certain foods, the importance of exercise and what types to do, and how to maintain after I lose the weight. I've lost a lot of weight in the past and bounced from a size…
  • [/quote] "Take a step back and look at the bigger picture (no pun intended), and you will find that there are many wonderful men out there supporting and lifting up "big" women. Take a look at this site alone and odds are you are going to see some really amazing guys who are cheering on women who are overweight. There are…
  • This is a great point and imo so true. Thanks!
  • Excellent point and so true!
  • This brings up another point that may feed into women's criticism of each other. Are we all viewing ourselves as valuable only if we're attractive to a mate or partner? I know I certainly got that message loud and clear from the time I was a young girl.
  • Sassy! I love it! Hahaha.
  • It gives me hope for the future to hear that the children may be on a better path than we were. :)
  • I'm actually in a similar position. Super happy in life and with myself and this is actually what's helping me to lose the weight healthily this time. I'm coming from a place of happiness rather than self loathing. Yes, I'd love to look like I did 80+ pounds ago but my reasons are deeper than just aesthetics now. As one of…
  • I have a love/hate relationship with my scale. Makes me furious when that stupid needle doesn't move and I've been busting my butt. One thing that always helps me is taking my measurements. Typically when the scale isn't moving and I'm working hard, I'm gaining muscle and I find that I'm losing inches. I don't know if…
  • Love them. As a reward for hitting my goal weight, I plan to get another large one done. I have two now. And one is a memorial for my mother. I love it because she's always with me. And I designed it. Super special to me.
  • First, I'm sorry to hear the troubles your friend is having. I have hypothyroidism and take synthroid for it. I never had the kinds of symptoms your friend has in terms of stomach aches and nausea but I certainly had a lot of weight gain, was always tired and cold, had headaches, etc. Anyway, I've been on synthroid for…
  • My weight gain started after I developed hypothyroidism. I gained 50 pounds in the blink of an eye and had no idea why. When my doc finally figured out what was wrong with me, it took almost a full year to get my medication right. During that time, my weight just kept going up. I know it can be so frustrating to deal with…
  • I have lost and gained a lot of weight a couple times and I can tell you that it takes a while for you self image to catch up with your body. When I got thin, I still felt fat for a while. When I got fat, I still felt thin for a while. Just keep doing what you're doing and I promise, your brain will catch up. Amazing work…
  • Thanks for posting. That was definitely motivating! I think everyone trying to lose any significant amount of weight has felt this way. I know I do. Frankly, whenever I see someone a bit heavier out doing their thing, I do a little high five to them in my head cause they are out there doing it! Hopefully more people than…
  • You might want to do a little reading on high intensity interval training. You can do it indoors with no equipment. You just have to tailor it to your fitness level. It's something I'm checking out myself.
  • Feel free to add me as well. Just joined MFP for the first time last week and I'm loving it so far. Also really need the motivation. My boyfriend of 5 years is a foodie and loves to cook and it seems everything we do revolves around food. Believe me, I feel you!