

  • They say you should. I cant always eat them if I am full I do not eat them. I sometimes eat them back but not all of them. So I guess it depends on your body and how it reaccts to the exercise.
  • I was freaking out this morning. I had gain 3lbs in 2 days. I have yet to start and I am just as active as I have been and now I weigh the same as I started 2 weeks ago. I guess Aunt Flow really effects us alot more than mood swings. I am glad I am not the only one bothered by this.
  • Thank god it you guys are here. I was freaking out to see I had put on 3 lbs in 2 days. I see now that it is from Aunt Flow
  • Sometimes I check what I am thinking of eating just to know if I have enogh avalible calories. I want to make a change that is realistic and I can keep. I am teaching my son better habbits by knowing!
    in Food Diary Comment by hmh2 April 2011
  • Amazing keep going girl!