weight gain during period

So I gained a bunch of weight during my period, but as it's coming to an end, I still don't see the scale going back down( went down a little, but still above from when I first got it)? so now I wonder if I gained actual weight, or if I need to wait longer, another week, for it to go down.


  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Last week had mine and I had gained three pounds. I was done, still had those three pounds, but this morning (5 days after last day of period) those three pounds plus one are off!!! Remember sometimes we retain water... Give it time :)
  • TruSunshine
    I usually weigh 3-4 days after TOM leaves. Usually he takes the water weight plus more with him! lol
  • leesapeesa
    this is why I try not to weigh myself during TOM. Wait a few days after it is over and you should see the numbers go down.
  • hmh2
    hmh2 Posts: 5
    Thank god it you guys are here. I was freaking out to see I had put on 3 lbs in 2 days. I see now that it is from Aunt Flow