jeannelabanane Member


  • As far as overeating, it helps to plan what, and the amount, you're going to eat at the times you decide. That's what helps me anyway. I know that a snack is either a yogurt or some almonds, and I pre-count the almonds and put them in little baggies.
  • Cottage cheese is a staple of mine in the morning. I mix it with fruit flavoured yogurt (carbs) but there are plenty of options to make it taste less cottage chees-y. I'm able to eat it plain but I prefer the taste with yogurt.
  • You know - I completely agree with you about the last point (and I'm guilty of it as well). I have noticed though, since I've started eating healthier - my daughter is starting to mimic my healthier eating habits. She's only five though (and crazy active). We just discovered she likes hummus as a veggie dip. :)
  • Keep a food journal (hand written) and write down every single bite. When you start to write down everything you're eating, it will help curb the mindless snacking - because you will have an idea of how much you've eaten for the day. It's helped me so far (I've lost 7 pounds before starting MFP) - I'm also a boredom…
  • I noticed someone else mentioned it, but I would also suggest childcare swaps. Find someone you're comfortable with who has children (or a child) around the same age, and swap playdates with them. Could come in handy for all sorts of reasons other than exercise.
  • Thank you alereck - that's great advice!
  • Thank you Christi! Nani - I would love to buddy up - I'll send you a friend request. How do I follow the replys to this post? I didn't realize anyone had replied :(