Where do you put your children so you can workout?



  • yesterdayusaid2morrow
    Hi OP! I hear you girl, I have two and three year old twiblings and their father is gone for extended periods. You are not alone, although I know most of the time it prly feels that way! Here are a few things that help me get the job done.
    1. Remember, weight loss really happens in the kitchen. If you are gaining it's not because you are not working out enough. Log honestly and put that deficit to work for you!
    2. Make them take a nap! Lol, easier said than done I realize but seriously, save your sanity and make them nap for an hour, even if that means sitting quietly in their room for an hour w/ toys or a book. Also, 8pm bedtime, you work all day, you deserve a break, put them kids to bed earlier!
    3. When able, invest in a bike and bike trailer. I'm broke too, I get it, but found a clearance bike for $90 and a trailer on Craigslist for even less. Kids love it, great exercise, and many trailers can do double duty as jogging strollers, also, cheaper than a gym membership.
    4. Do they watch any television? If so, allow them one show while you workout in another room. Sure some snooty moms will judge, eff em, you deserve to have a moment to take care of yourself and so long as they're not glued to a screen for hours, they will be fine.
    5. Make the most of trips to the playground. It took me some getting used to self-esteem wise, but now when I bike/walk the kids to the park I do stepups on a bench or picnic table, walk briskly around the park, do calf raises on a curb, do planks in the grass, supported chinups on the play structure, get creative and put in a serious effort and I promise you'll feel the burn the following day.
    6. Just dance! Turn up the music and get sweaty just dancing around like a fool with your kiddos (may help tire them out for bedtime).
    7. If your hubby asks about gift ideas, suggest a nice used treadmill or weight set
    8. If you have a yard another good investment and one time expense might be a trampoline. Honestly the most joyous form of movement. :)
    9. Stagger your lunches so the kids are eating lunch before you (usually happens naturally anyway, no? Lol) then do a short workout while they are occupied, then have lunch be your recovery meal.
    10. Have you heard of MOPS or other groups for sahms? Perhaps if you attend some meetings you'll meet other moms who you can swap childcare with.
    I know it's uniquely challenging to get workouts in with little, but remember every movement counts. Break up your videos into four ten minute segments if you need to. You CAN do this! :D Good luck!
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    If you are interested in changing your childrens' sleep habits you can do it over time and don't have to just lock them in a room and let them cry. I found some great tips on adjusting/creating sleep schedules on this site below. I borrowed her book from the library and found the tips helpful. Try making small shifts in their bedtime like 15-30 minutes earlier and overtime you can get them to bed earlier.

  • FitCurves444
    FitCurves444 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm sorry, I don't have children or this problem or a probable fix to your predicament; but I wanted to drop a line to CONGRATULATE you and every parent on here who has given you ideas on how to work around your obstacle..... for trying different things.... for wanting to stay fit.... for not using your children as an excuse not to workout. In my book, you're a champion!

    Keep on!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    If you are interested in changing your childrens' sleep habits you can do it over time and don't have to just lock them in a room and let them cry. I found some great tips on adjusting/creating sleep schedules on this site below. I borrowed her book from the library and found the tips helpful. Try making small shifts in their bedtime like 15-30 minutes earlier and overtime you can get them to bed earlier.


    Ain't nobody got time for that. I started with my kids at 6mos......If you "keep them going from 5AM to 10PM" there's bound to be issues. Sounds like it more of an issue with impacting her schedule than actually trying to get them needed sleep...
  • vanilla045
    vanilla045 Posts: 9 Member
    Where did you put them while you wrote your really long post, OP?

    It's a post i've been working on for about a week now, which is why it is long and whiny. It contains a week worth of frustration and stress. I managed to post it because it is a rare occasion that my husband took both kids for a drive to visit his parents and I'm enjoying being by myself.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    in the car. lol
  • jeannelabanane
    jeannelabanane Posts: 38 Member
    I noticed someone else mentioned it, but I would also suggest childcare swaps. Find someone you're comfortable with who has children (or a child) around the same age, and swap playdates with them. Could come in handy for all sorts of reasons other than exercise.
  • CupcakesMom2
    CupcakesMom2 Posts: 154 Member
    I get it, having 2 little children is exhausting. And I'm sure when they are sleeping you need to sleep, catch up on laundry and other chores. By the time they are asleep your energy level also might be too low to exercise. I know I need to exercise in the morning or I can't do it at all.

    So here is my idea. Is there another Mom near you who can watch them for an hour or so, let you exercise and then you watch her kids for an hour or so and she can exercise?

    My other idea is to borrow someones double jog stroller but of course you might not know anyone who has one. Or maybe you can purchase one used somewhere.
  • vanilla045
    vanilla045 Posts: 9 Member
    I work out at home. I have a full time job, three kids, and no husband.

    It's not impossible. When you're done making excuses, you'll find a way.

    ^^ This!! If you really want to do it, you will make it happen. There are many of us single moms who also work full-time or sometimes 2 jobs, yet can carve out time to make it work. The way you talk, I'm surprised you have time to sit at the computer and continue to comment on the forums, let alone shower. I think you can assume the role of "parent" and make them take a nap. I don't know any small kids that can go 17 hours non-stop, especially a 1 year old, and I would think they would be really crabby. Make a new rule....implement nap time, you're the mom, you can tell them what to do. Good luck!!

    I know it's not impossible. I'm trying to find a way. I'm just feeling slightly discouraged with the unsuccessful attempts I have made. I posted in hopes of getting some refreshed ideas so I don't just quit and give up.
  • 36Frieda
    36Frieda Posts: 20 Member
    I have three kids . The oldest has special needs and was a very hyper youngster and the twins were two years younger. We had no money for the gym or a sitter, no family and no friends or neighbors who were willing or able to watch them. I was alone with them for 12 hours a day. I lost 50 pounds by walking and counting calories. I would carry one in a sling, two in the stroller and we would walk 45 min to a playground, they played and then we walked back. Rain or shine. My oldest also had more irregular sleep patterns and especially for him it was important to have a predictable daily schedule. 7 hours for a 1 year old (or 3 year old) is not enough. If that is true please take her to a doctor, something is not right. My kids are young teens now and it is easier. Hang in there.
  • HappyHope0123
    HappyHope0123 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi OP! I hear you girl, I have two and three year old twiblings and their father is gone for extended periods. You are not alone, although I know most of the time it prly feels that way! Here are a few things that help me get the job done.
    1. Remember, weight loss really happens in the kitchen. If you are gaining it's not because you are not working out enough. Log honestly and put that deficit to work for you!
    2. Make them take a nap! Lol, easier said than done I realize but seriously, save your sanity and make them nap for an hour, even if that means sitting quietly in their room for an hour w/ toys or a book. Also, 8pm bedtime, you work all day, you deserve a break, put them kids to bed earlier!
    3. When able, invest in a bike and bike trailer. I'm broke too, I get it, but found a clearance bike for $90 and a trailer on Craigslist for even less. Kids love it, great exercise, and many trailers can do double duty as jogging strollers, also, cheaper than a gym membership.
    4. Do they watch any television? If so, allow them one show while you workout in another room. Sure some snooty moms will judge, eff em, you deserve to have a moment to take care of yourself and so long as they're not glued to a screen for hours, they will be fine.
    5. Make the most of trips to the playground. It took me some getting used to self-esteem wise, but now when I bike/walk the kids to the park I do stepups on a bench or picnic table, walk briskly around the park, do calf raises on a curb, do planks in the grass, supported chinups on the play structure, get creative and put in a serious effort and I promise you'll feel the burn the following day.
    6. Just dance! Turn up the music and get sweaty just dancing around like a fool with your kiddos (may help tire them out for bedtime).
    7. If your hubby asks about gift ideas, suggest a nice used treadmill or weight set
    8. If you have a yard another good investment and one time expense might be a trampoline. Honestly the most joyous form of movement. :)
    9. Stagger your lunches so the kids are eating lunch before you (usually happens naturally anyway, no? Lol) then do a short workout while they are occupied, then have lunch be your recovery meal.
    10. Have you heard of MOPS or other groups for sahms? Perhaps if you attend some meetings you'll meet other moms who you can swap childcare with.
    I know it's uniquely challenging to get workouts in with little, but remember every movement counts. Break up your videos into four ten minute segments if you need to. You CAN do this! :D Good luck!

    I love this response!

    I totally feel for you...I have 5 kids, aging 4,5,7,12,14....Needless to say, it was only recently that I was able to really commit to fitness.

    I do not agree with the suggestions of you getting a job.

    How about hooking up with another mom who wants some free time and swapping kids for an hour or two every day?
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    There's also the workouts you can do with them. I've hiked with a stroller and a kid strapped to my back. I've also biked with two kids in a bike trailer and one in a bike seat (boy, was THAT a workout!)
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    Where did you put them while you wrote your really long post, OP?

    It's a post i've been working on for about a week now, which is why it is long and whiny. It contains a week worth of frustration and stress. I managed to post it because it is a rare occasion that my husband took both kids for a drive to visit his parents and I'm enjoying being by myself.
    Well, you made it a priority to find time to write it. Now make it a priority to find time to workout. You're not going to find a lot of touchy-feely sympathy in these forums, but you will find good, honest, no-sugar-added advice. Here's mine: if you want to find time, do it. You shower, go to the bathroom, and make meals, right? Find another 15-20 minutes to work out.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I work out at home. I have a full time job, three kids, and no husband.

    It's not impossible. When you're done making excuses, you'll find a way.

    ^^ This!! If you really want to do it, you will make it happen. There are many of us single moms who also work full-time or sometimes 2 jobs, yet can carve out time to make it work. The way you talk, I'm surprised you have time to sit at the computer and continue to comment on the forums, let alone shower. I think you can assume the role of "parent" and make them take a nap. I don't know any small kids that can go 17 hours non-stop, especially a 1 year old, and I would think they would be really crabby. Make a new rule....implement nap time, you're the mom, you can tell them what to do. Good luck!!

    I know it's not impossible. I'm trying to find a way. I'm just feeling slightly discouraged with the unsuccessful attempts I have made. I posted in hopes of getting some refreshed ideas so I don't just quit and give up.

    The absolute best advice you've gotten is to get your kids to sleep more. Like 3-5 hours a day more. If you genuinely feel like this is an impossibility, or don't know where to start, check out this book. Don't just browse and skim. Put the kids to bed, sit down and READ IT, and then put it into action the next day. http://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Sleep-Habits-Happy-Child/dp/0449004023
  • vanilla045
    vanilla045 Posts: 9 Member
    You're not going to find a lot of touchy-feely sympathy in these forums, but you will find good, honest, no-sugar-added advice.

    I wasn't looking for touchy-feely sympathy but I was looking for legitimate (or at the very least humourous) suggestions to help keep me motivated instead of being attacked for my parenting. (if I wanted to be criticized for my parenting I'd post on one of the gazillion parenting sites)
    I thought the purpose of these forums were to help encourage people not try to make them feeling like **** because they were wavering. I'm not saying I didn't get some good advice because there were some suggestions I never thought of but some of the comments made me wonder if they even read my post at all.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    Where did you put them while you wrote your really long post, OP?

    It's a post i've been working on for about a week now, which is why it is long and whiny. It contains a week worth of frustration and stress. I managed to post it because it is a rare occasion that my husband took both kids for a drive to visit his parents and I'm enjoying being by myself.
    Well, you made it a priority to find time to write it. Now make it a priority to find time to workout. You're not going to find a lot of touchy-feely sympathy in these forums, but you will find good, honest, no-sugar-added advice. Here's mine: if you want to find time, do it. You shower, go to the bathroom, and make meals, right? Find another 15-20 minutes to work out.

    It is easy enough to type on computers whilst holding a child or having a child hanging off you - especially if you do bits at a time - not so easy to effectively work out.
    I used to type on computers and play computer games whilst breast feeding - that's not to say I could workout whilst doing it.
    Not helping OP by making snarky smug comments about her finding time to be on computer.

    Some kids don't nap - especially 3 year olds. Maybe they will be the sort of people who just always survive on less sleep than others.

    OP I think your best bet, if you cant organize parent swap time, is to do things with your kids - like pushing them in a stroller (you could take both in a twin stroller or little one in a back pack) at fast pace and do little 10 minute mini workouts at home whilst kids in play pen or high chair.
    You might have to let go of the full on gym type workouts for now.
    You can still lose weight - of course, as long as you also adjust your intake accordingly
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    Where did you put them while you wrote your really long post, OP?

    It's a post i've been working on for about a week now, which is why it is long and whiny. It contains a week worth of frustration and stress. I managed to post it because it is a rare occasion that my husband took both kids for a drive to visit his parents and I'm enjoying being by myself.
    Well, you made it a priority to find time to write it. Now make it a priority to find time to workout. You're not going to find a lot of touchy-feely sympathy in these forums, but you will find good, honest, no-sugar-added advice. Here's mine: if you want to find time, do it. You shower, go to the bathroom, and make meals, right? Find another 15-20 minutes to work out.

    It is easy enough to type on computers whilst holding a child or having a child hanging off you - especially if you do bits at a time - not so easy to effectively work out.
    I used to type on computers and play computer games whilst breast feeding - that's not to say I could workout whilst doing it.
    Not helping OP by making snarky smug comments about her finding time to be on computer.

    Some kids don't nap - especially 3 year olds. Maybe they will be the sort of people who just always survive on less sleep than others.

    OP I think your best bet, if you cant organize parent swap time, is to do things with your kids - like pushing them in a stroller (you could take both in a twin stroller or little one in a back pack) at fast pace and do little 10 minute mini workouts at home whilst kids in play pen or high chair.
    You might have to let go of the full on gym type workouts for now.
    You can still lose weight - of course, as long as you also adjust your intake accordingly

    I have 5 kids of my own and am fully aware of the challenges they bring, but thanks for enlightening me. :flowerforyou:
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    I feel ya.. My now 5 year old stopped napping shortly after she turned 1!!

    I am sorry for some of the comments you received. I wish it didn't always turn out this way when people vent and want advice.

    I would start working on an early bed time. I also like the high chair idea. You could also pull out some of their favorite activities for them to do.. or snacks.

    You have to figure it out.. don't give up. Also for your eating. Start premaking meals.

    Re-evalute your schedule, where you go, what your doing, and when the kids do whatever they do.. and find a spot for you.

    A good local friend to help with watching them would be ideal. I know not always possible to have a friend willing to commit.
  • AutumnElf80
    AutumnElf80 Posts: 58 Member
    I'll tell you what I'd do, and have done. Keeping in mind that as a Navy wife my husband is gone for months at a time.

    1.) The kids go to bed at 8pm. They don't have to sleep but they aren't leaving their rooms. Buy a gate. Buy blackout curtains if you need to but there is no reason they need to be up later. Boom you now have time to workout.

    2.) If they're up before 7 am they're stuck there until 7 am. Again they can play quietly or look at picture books, or color but at 7 am it's still quiet time. Again time to workout.

    3.) Most gyms have daycare. If I remember correctly 24 Hour Fitness was $20 a month per child.

    4.) Involve them. Get a bike and a trailer or a double stroller.

    5.) Eat right. 80% of it is diet, or so I'm told. You can not exercise away a bad eating plan. Don't clean their plates, either wrap it up and put it in the fridge for them later or toss it.

    6.) Institute quiet hour. Play-doh, coloring, picture books, simple puzzles. They can do these while up at a table while you get some exercise in.

    7.) Start a show for them. Most kids shows are fairly predictable. Every time someone say's "where's Perry?" do squats, or jumping jacks. Every time Leo conducts do sit-ups.

    8.) Lose the excuses. You are overweight because of YOUR choices. It's the same reason I'm overweight. I chose poorly, and now it's time to fix it.

    You can do this you just have to want to do this.
  • lbpears
    lbpears Posts: 40 Member
    usually im a huge proponent of "make the time to exercise", which, quite frankly, you could do.
    (get up at 4, or stay up til 11)

    however, after reading your OP, i'm going to go against my usual advice and say that perhaps you need to focus less on exercise and more on getting the rest you need and getting your kids on a better sleeping schedule.

    7hrs of sleep is nowhere NEAR enough for children of that age.

    the fact that you are putting them in timeout because they are coming to you when youre on the floor trying to exercise is a bit....unsettling.

    i like bubbles idea of quiet time.
    this would allow you to have your time, and gives them some more structured 'downtime'.

    good luck.

    I agree! It sounds like you and your kids are over tired. I would focus on getting your kids on a sleep schedule, including naps. You might check out Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. I read it when my son was a baby, and it has really good, practical advice that you can apply as your children reach different stages.