Where do you put your children so you can workout?



  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • pythonsweb
    pythonsweb Posts: 49 Member
    I crate them like normal....
  • 17ChargerGirl17
    A baby gate in the doorway of their bedroom?
    what about a play pen, they are young enough to sit them in a play pen while you workout. that way they are with you and can watch or play with toys.
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    My son is four and if he doesn't nap, he at least gets an hour of quiet time each day where he plays quietly in his room. He did this even at three so you can work with your older child on this. I'm a SAHM and need that little break in the day. Although I don't know you or your children, I agree that 10 is a very late bedtime for children that age, especially if they are waking up that early. It will no doubt be a struggle, but try to make bedtime earlier so you can exercise after they are down without losing more sleep yourself. When my son was around one or so, I would put him in his high chair to watch me and give him a snack so I could at least do 20-30 minutes.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I work out at home. I have a full time job, three kids, and no husband.

    It's not impossible. When you're done making excuses, you'll find a way.
  • vanilla045
    vanilla045 Posts: 9 Member
    Occasionally my 1yo will nap but it's getting rare. My boys are friggin' farmers. Awake and asleep with the sun.

    We do go for walks but we live in a very rural area so we don't have nice maintained sidewalks, just the road to walk along side of. I sometimes drive to town (20 minutes away) to go for walks there at the parks and trails etc. It's a nice change but I find ineffective as a weight loss activity. It takes an hour to walk 3/4km thanks to my dawdling, inspect every living and non living thing, toddler.

    We spend a lot of time outside, so I try to do like 2-5 minute sets of exercises in between bug hunting and building sand castles but it's not enough.

    I read all about the benefits of exercise but I'm fairly sure it's only applicable if you can do it without a kid hanging off of you.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Agree with the comments about napping - if my kids didn't nap nothing would ever get done in our house.

    This may be an unpopular suggestion (although probably not as bad as the dog crate) but a DVD for them while you work out? The 1 year old may not have the attention span for the DVD, but then again, I think a 1 year old should be taking at least one 2-3 hour nap!

    I also still make my kids (3 and 5) pile into the double stroller so I can get some exercise. Sometimes that is how I feed them dinner - I either pack sandwiches, squeeze applesauce and some cookies for them and they eat while we walk - or I will pick up McDonalds (another likely unpopular suggestion) for them - then they have a toy to play with when they are done eating too!

    Also, there are programs near us called Strollerrobics where you work out with a group of other mom's with kids, and there is an instructor who leads the program. You walk/job but also stop and do circuit training as well.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    usually im a huge proponent of "make the time to exercise", which, quite frankly, you could do.
    (get up at 4, or stay up til 11)

    however, after reading your OP, i'm going to go against my usual advice and say that perhaps you need to focus less on exercise and more on getting the rest you need and getting your kids on a better sleeping schedule.

    7hrs of sleep is nowhere NEAR enough for children of that age.

    the fact that you are putting them in timeout because they are coming to you when youre on the floor trying to exercise is a bit....unsettling.

    i like bubbles idea of quiet time.
    this would allow you to have your time, and gives them some more structured 'downtime'.

    good luck.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    We start our day at 5am and go through until 10pm with neither kid taking naps

    You are doing it wrong.

    ^This. I mean, I hate to sound judgmental, but 7 hours isn't enough sleep for small children. 10 hours would even be on the low end for the 3 year old and 12 hours would be on the low end for the 1 year old. Get your kids on a healthy sleep schedule and you'll have time to get yourself healthy.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I happened to find a gym that figured a Kids Club into the monthly price. Well worth. Have you tried running while pushing a stroller? Zumba with the kids? Getting up before they do? Working out as soon as the last ones sleep? Working out while they eat? There are so many options I had to try before I found what works for me.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I work out when I get up in the morning before my son is awake.. I watch my son while my husband works out. Sometimes he will go in and try to work out with daddy.. and lift the 1 lb weights..
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Occasionally my 1yo will nap but it's getting rare. My boys are friggin' farmers. Awake and asleep with the sun.

    We do go for walks but we live in a very rural area so we don't have nice maintained sidewalks, just the road to walk along side of. I sometimes drive to town (20 minutes away) to go for walks there at the parks and trails etc. It's a nice change but I find ineffective as a weight loss activity. It takes an hour to walk 3/4km thanks to my dawdling, inspect every living and non living thing, toddler.

    We spend a lot of time outside, so I try to do like 2-5 minute sets of exercises in between bug hunting and building sand castles but it's not enough.

    I read all about the benefits of exercise but I'm fairly sure it's only applicable if you can do it without a kid hanging off of you.

    Exercise with a kid hanging off of you is just added weights. :) Added weight generally makes for a more strenuous workout.

    On the note that kept me reading... how is the world do your kids survive with so little sleep? My 6 year old still has to nap or she completely losses her self control by dinner time. /baffled
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    My 4 year old goes to bed at 8 sharp, gets up at 7, and my 8 year old goes to bed at 8:30, gets up at 7:30, except during the school year when she gets up at 6:30. If my kids get up to early, I march them back to bed and put them back in it.

    Be a parent and don't let your kids run all over you until 10pm. Put them to bed. Put up a blanket over the window and black out the room if you have to. Turn off the tv all day and keep the house quiet. Have designated quiet time. Run sprints in your front/back yard. Go to garage sales or Goodwill and get a pack-n-play and put them in there or get one of those expandable baby play areas and put all their toys in there.

    It's not rocket surgery. If you want it, you'll do it.
  • Joleen106
    Joleen106 Posts: 9 Member
    I dont know if you have ever been on pintrest, but there are some great 20min workout suggestion that i love. I know what it is like with young kids as a stay at home mom and dad working alot. Mine are 9 and 7 now. I also get that when they nap you are torn btwn working out and getting house stuff done. When you do intense shorter workouts it can work. Good Luck!!! :)
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    duct tape them to a ceiling fan. They have fun, you can work out. Make sure to put a big tarp down, otherwise cleanup is a pain.
  • FlashMorehouse
    FlashMorehouse Posts: 138 Member
    *only read title*

    I crate them... similar to this:


    That way I can make sure they don't get hurt while I'm away.

    Yup. Or Sesame Street, or in their crib, it was never hard for me to figure out what to do with them. I even hired a college student--who was actually observing them for an internship she was doing once.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    Get a part time job so you can afford daycare and a gym membership. Go to the gym before or after work while kids are at daycare.

    This is a win win because I'm sure your daycare provider will let the kids take naps. Good luck OP! :flowerforyou:
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Even though we eat mostly healthy, and we are on the go constantly, I'm not losing any weight (in fact I've gained weight since being home and I semi blame stress among other things)....

    Can anyone help me? Suggestions? Ideas? Point me in a direction? I really need some advice.

    Stop blaming other things for your problems. If you're gaining weight you're probably overeating. That's the root of the problem. You can still be fat even if you exercise twice a day if you don't control your food intake.
  • LynneW1983
    LynneW1983 Posts: 1,161 Member
    I would try to get your kids to go to bed earlier and maybe once your getting more sleep, you could workout at night. What about 10 min trainer DVD or ten minute solution DVD try to fit in 2/3 a day. Once a week could you go to family and workout there while they take kids to park.