Where do you put your children so you can workout?

vanilla045 Posts: 9 Member
I'm having a huge issue. Anytime I try to work out at home my kids crawl all over me (they are 1 &3) I have tried to get them to exercise WITH me but as soon as I lay on the floor it's a dogpile on top of me, which lately even results in a time out, which leads me to getting distracted away from the exercise which means I only accomplish about 10 minutes of whatever video I'm doing. I'm getting so FRUSTRATED. So where do ya'll stuff your kids so you can work out? Seriously how do ya'll do it?

I know that it's about making time for exercise, and I want to but I'm losing the battle. SInce I'm a sahm/part time single mom (my husband works away for weeks at a time) I try to do active things with my kids, like go for walks, play in the park etc. But sometimes I just want to work out, alone, ya know what I mean? But I can't because my kids are a huge barrier.

I don't have a gym membership because we can barely afford one for me, let alone one/two more so I can bring the kids to the day care part of it. I don't have anyone to watch my kids so I can go exercise. We don't have the kids in daycare because we can't afford it and would defeat the purpose of me being a sahm. We live 45 minutes away from family so I can't just drop them off with grandma for an hour or so. We start our day at 5am and go through until 10pm with neither kid taking naps so getting up early, staying up late isn't really an option because to be honest, I'm a horrible sleeper and I feel like I'm running on fumes sleep wise as it is. And even when my husband is home from work, he is rarely home because he has a second job, so I can't even depend on him to watch our kids. (It's me and the kids 24/7)

Even though we eat mostly healthy, and we are on the go constantly, I'm not losing any weight (in fact I've gained weight since being home and I semi blame stress among other things). I know I have to up my exercise but I'm seriously at a loss at how to accomplish it. I'm so frustrated I can't seem to navigate around my life to make it work. Everything I think of or try is met with some sort of blockage. It's just so ironic, I'm trying to lose weight so I can be in better shape to care for my kids but my kids are making it really difficult for me to accomplish it.

Can anyone help me? Suggestions? Ideas? Point me in a direction? I really need some advice.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Your one year old and 3 year old only sleep 7 hours a day?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You need to get up earlier than the kids do, or do it when they nap, or after they go to bed. Alternately, can you find another mother in the neighborhood who might take the kids for an hour, and then you take them the next hour, giving you both an hour free time? Or get a young person to come and play with the kids while you exercise. It won't be like full babysitting because you are on the premises.
  • vkdarling
    vkdarling Posts: 161 Member
    I workout as soon as my son goes to sleep at night. It isn't ideal but its the only time i can fit it in most days... unless they will ride in a stroller while you walk or ride a bike?
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I workout when they go to bed at night. They are 7 and 10 mind you so it's a lot easier now than when they were younger.
  • gelica_15
    gelica_15 Posts: 12 Member
    I have the same problem with my daughter. She's three and constantly wants to participate, which usually ends up being a big game to her. I either get up before she does to work out, stay up late to work out, or more often than not I will put her in her stoller and do an extra long walk. Just be prepared to have snacks and plenty to drink on hand.
  • What if we don't have any of the above options lol. No mothers down the street and we work Mon-Fri early early am to late afternoon & we have 3 toddlers WHERE DO WE PUT THEM? Lately I've been using that as an excuse not to work out cause my kids are everywhere from when I get home up until bed time. THIS IS SUCH A GOOD POST.... Where do I put my kids to haha ?!
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    Do they have highchairs or booster seats? Maybe you can give them a snack and get a quick work out in.
  • JenniferOBX5
    JenniferOBX5 Posts: 15 Member
    I can't imagine not having nap time especially a one year old.

    Its my sanity time to do everything I have to do and the list is long! Workout and shower, is on that list. I have tired doing a Zumba DVD with my 2 year old but it doesn't work out very well. I only get a few minutes before she is bored.

    Do you have a double stroller for a walk around outside?
  • daliyanin
    daliyanin Posts: 93 Member
    Wake up before 5am to work out. Not every day because you will be exhausted, but start twice a week. Your kids don't nap? Mine is about to be 4yrs old and still gets a nap. He is a cranky little man without one.
  • FunSizedK
    FunSizedK Posts: 144 Member
    My friend and I work out together and between us two we have 3,2, and 1 year old and we stop to move them off of us and just keeping going! You could try giving them a snack while you workout that way they will sitting and eat.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I'm not going to tell you how to parent - but for my 1 year old and 4 year old bed time is 7pm and 7:30pm. No way would they be staying up until 10pm. So I workout after they both go to bed.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Also curious - why aren't they taking naps to give you a break during the day?
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I get up early and work out before my son wakes up. Or sometimes I take him with me to the gym later in the morning. Yes I pay extra to bring him, but it not that much, and most gyms only charge one flat rate for up to three kids, so it's not like I'd have to pay double the childcare fees if I had another kid.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    *only read title*

    I crate them... similar to this:


    That way I can make sure they don't get hurt while I'm away.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    We start our day at 5am and go through until 10pm with neither kid taking naps

    You are doing it wrong.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    when you take your preworkout, give them benadryl.

    everything should kick in at the same time, so you should be good to go.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I put a cartoon on, put up a baby gate in my workout room, and tell tem to leave mommy alone for 40 minutes. They still come ask for a drink or need a fight broken up but I work it into rest time between sets.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    My gym has a daycare. I think this is such a wonderful idea.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I'm having a huge issue. Anytime I try to work out at home my kids crawl all over me (they are 1 &3) I have tried to get them to exercise WITH me but as soon as I lay on the floor it's a dogpile on top of me, which lately even results in a time out, which leads me to getting distracted away from the exercise which means I only accomplish about 10 minutes of whatever video I'm doing. I'm getting so FRUSTRATED. So where do ya'll stuff your kids so you can work out? Seriously how do ya'll do it?

    I know that it's about making time for exercise, and I want to but I'm losing the battle. SInce I'm a sahm/part time single mom (my husband works away for weeks at a time) I try to do active things with my kids, like go for walks, play in the park etc. But sometimes I just want to work out, alone, ya know what I mean? But I can't because my kids are a huge barrier.

    I don't have a gym membership because we can barely afford one for me, let alone one/two more so I can bring the kids to the day care part of it. I don't have anyone to watch my kids so I can go exercise. We don't have the kids in daycare because we can't afford it and would defeat the purpose of me being a sahm. We live 45 minutes away from family so I can't just drop them off with grandma for an hour or so. We start our day at 5am and go through until 10pm with neither kid taking naps so getting up early, staying up late isn't really an option because to be honest, I'm a horrible sleeper and I feel like I'm running on fumes sleep wise as it is. And even when my husband is home from work, he is rarely home because he has a second job, so I can't even depend on him to watch our kids. (It's me and the kids 24/7)

    Even though we eat mostly healthy, and we are on the go constantly, I'm not losing any weight (in fact I've gained weight since being home and I semi blame stress among other things). I know I have to up my exercise but I'm seriously at a loss at how to accomplish it. I'm so frustrated I can't seem to navigate around my life to make it work. Everything I think of or try is met with some sort of blockage. It's just so ironic, I'm trying to lose weight so I can be in better shape to care for my kids but my kids are making it really difficult for me to accomplish it.

    Can anyone help me? Suggestions? Ideas? Point me in a direction? I really need some advice.

    A large dog crate should help. Just put it close enough that you can see them and don't let them wear necklaces or other jewelry in it.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    even if your kids don't do naps, instill a "Quiet Time" every afternoon, from noon to 1 or 1:30, where they have to stay in their rooms, reading, doing puzzles, laying down, or playing a quiet game. Tell them they don't HAVE to sleep, but they DO have to be quiet and not leave the room until Quiet Time is over. There you go. Designated You time every day.