jbw6782 Member


  • sooo... I was gonna skip today... I was tired.... but finally at 9 pm I decided if you guys could do it... so could I... the group works! wooo! I ate terribly today again... And I'm sure tomorrow won't be any better since I'll be in an airport and work meetings all evening. I hope to do 30 DS in the morning before my…
    in Day 2 Comment by jbw6782 January 2012
  • Just finished! Really hope it does get easier after day 4 because today was a killer! Only 29 days left to go! So happy to have found this group to keep me accountable. I probably wouldn't make it to tomorrow
    in Day 1 Comment by jbw6782 January 2012
  • I'd love to start tomorrow morning. I need a swift kick in the butt to get me going... and keep me going!