Day 1

MsMarlaMae Posts: 144 Member
Just finished my first day! It was terrible, and I'm wicked proud of myself for making it all the way through.

Didn't even die like I expected too :) 29 more days to go!


  • ahedrick99
    ahedrick99 Posts: 68 Member
    Me too! Great way to start the day! Here we go!
  • micneg01
    micneg01 Posts: 147 Member
    Yeah/1 Day 1 is complete! 29 to go!
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    Day 1 is DONE! :D Feels good!

    EXCEPT... about 40 days ago I broke my right foot and when I put that foot back on the lunges it really hurts :(
  • linalynn86
    linalynn86 Posts: 15 Member
    WOW I really thought I was going to die. I bought the DVD last night and this morning I kept putting it off..But now that I finally did it, I am so proud of myself! YAY
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    I did day 1 yesterday and only managed 15 minutes! Did it all today though :) Did feel like I was going to die though. Everyone says it gets easier after day 4!
  • Today was day 3 for me. I'm so sore but keep pushing through. I have this nasty habit of weighing myself daily and I get so frustrated at not losing (or even small gains!). I really need to stop doing this and just try to weigh once a week or after each 10 day cycle. I've been staying within my calories for the day and trying to make healthier choices. I really hope I see some results in 30 days.
  • jbw6782
    jbw6782 Posts: 3 Member
    Just finished! Really hope it does get easier after day 4 because today was a killer! Only 29 days left to go! So happy to have found this group to keep me accountable. I probably wouldn't make it to tomorrow
  • mlk8604
    mlk8604 Posts: 56 Member
    Day 1 kicked my butt! I certainly hope it gets easier! I probably should've worked myself up to it... I was already tired through the first circuit! If we can do it once, we can do it 29 more times, right!? :) Just out of curiosity, how many calories are you all logging for Level 1?
  • BestCindyICanBe
    BestCindyICanBe Posts: 75 Member
    My husband got up and did day 1 with me. I do mine first thing in the morning. Great way to get the day started. I log mine in as "circuit training, general" since I don't have an HRM. We can do this!!
  • Day 1 kicked my butt! I certainly hope it gets easier! I probably should've worked myself up to it... I was already tired through the first circuit! If we can do it once, we can do it 29 more times, right!? :) Just out of curiosity, how many calories are you all logging for Level 1?

    I personally burned 220 calories today
  • Just finished my first day! OMG! it was quite a workout! I know this will do us all good! :)
  • I sure hope it gets easier soon :)
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    Day 1- Done :)
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    It was really difficult. It looks deceptively easy, but my heart was pumping and I was gasping! Managed it all though but with a couple of the easier modifications. Me and Anita will be friends, I think!

    I want to do 30Ds before work each day but I'm not sure I could even manage to get out of the door after that every morning! I know if i leave it until I get home from work, there will be so much that will get in the way (or i will find to do instead! ....)
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    Day 1 done, but I literally threw up and have felt awful for the last hour and a half. I am going to leave the challenge for this round and keep up with other things instead... sorry to leave you all! I wish you lots of success. :)
  • I finished day 1. For me day 2 and 3 are the worst, after that it gets easier since you won't be as sore, well that is until you change levels then you will be sore again for a few days.
  • AB963K
    AB963K Posts: 33 Member
    Ooh just completed day one am so pleased with my little self ;-))))))) ...gr8 motivation this group xx
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    Done =)
    BIGGnSMALL Posts: 28 Member
    Yay! I survived day 1. The pushups nearly killed me but I completed the whole set!
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Day 1 done, but I literally threw up and have felt awful for the last hour and a half. I am going to leave the challenge for this round and keep up with other things instead... sorry to leave you all! I wish you lots of success. :)

    Oh no! I hope you feel better, why dont you see how it goes tomorrow?