Day 1



  • Day 1 done, but I literally threw up and have felt awful for the last hour and a half. I am going to leave the challenge for this round and keep up with other things instead... sorry to leave you all! I wish you lots of success. :)
    Throwing up isn't necessarily bad, it just means you really pushed yourself! Obviously I don't suggest that you work hard enough to make yourself vomit all of the time, but it really is just your body trying to adjust to all of the work and stress that you're putting it through. Basically, you're kicking your own butt! :laugh:

    Congrats to all of you! Only 29 more days to go! I can't wait to start tomorrow:bigsmile:
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 425 Member
    Day 1 complete for me!! Even though I did the first 6 days of level 1 two weeks ago......... I still got my butt kicked!!
  • CanadianMomma
    CanadianMomma Posts: 66 Member
    Jillian definitely kicked my rear. I was definitely out of breath. I'm sure it will get easier, but wow that was an intense 20 min.
  • I did it, despite my recent back injury. Some things I had to modify, but.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    CHECK!! Woot Woot!!!! I forgot how hard that first day was :drinker: Way to go, ladies!!!!
  • I just finished day 1! I started this back in November and then got busy with the holidays/school/life.. I've decided to restart and not let life get in the way this time! it really does get better after 3 or 4 days and it feels even better to restart! I'm glad I found this group, hopefully it gives me the motivation I need! Good Luck!
  • Did Mine early this Morning and Man I feel Great.... I remember the first time I did 30 day shred and completed it, I couldn't do butt kicks, pushups, bicycle crunches and jumping jacks((But i did weigh almost 100lbs more then I do now)) I Breezed thru them this morning... WOW!!! What a big difference...

    Remember!!!!! Keep PUSHING!!!!!
    ummm yeah jumping jacks are a issue here the b crunches are a killer but do them lol..she will be kickn alotta a$$es thats for sure lol
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    Just did Day one.

    In case anyone is interested..... I work out with a Garmin Heart Rate Monitor but go to to enter my average heart rate and duration etc and it figures out the calories burned based on my weight, sex and age etc. So for a 50 year old female who weighs 151 - My total time was 28 minutes (including the warm up and cool down) my avg heart rate was 103 so it worked out to be about 145 calories burned. I entered it into "my exercises" as JM30DS to track it.
  • rainas25
    rainas25 Posts: 143 Member
    Day 1 complete!
  • kitsrunner
    kitsrunner Posts: 55 Member
    Great job everyone who just finished Day 1 !!!!!

    My daughter did it with me which pushed me more as she is very athletic. I did pretty good :wink:
  • MeganSWoods
    MeganSWoods Posts: 196 Member
    Phew! I forgot how hard level 1 can be-- I really pushed it as hard as I could go :-) I got through everything (even the bicycle crunches at the end!) except I have to modify the push-ups. My goal is to be able to do them all not modified by the end of level 1!
  • Hey Everyone,

    Day 1 complete. That dvd is definitely intense but awesome.
  • jacquel13
    jacquel13 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm done too, woot! That is pretty much 20 mins of sheer torture.

  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    Day one down :smile: I dont remember it being this hard on level one last spring :noway:
    lol....great job everyone
  • e1izab3th2
    e1izab3th2 Posts: 148 Member
    Day 1 Complete!
  • bewitched2982
    bewitched2982 Posts: 93 Member
    Technically I'm on day five but I'm gonna continue with y'all cause I think I could use the extra days LOL. I did four days last week and took the weekend off to rest up but I did it again this morning and Jillian kicked my butt but I feel great!!

    That's how I did it too! I worked on it a bit last week to get ready for this and then took off the weekend. I started over again today and I am not nearly as sore as I was last week! I'm excited to already see improvements in my stamina, though I still had to stop to catch my breath sometimes (asthma is no fun)! I can't wait until I can do the full 20 minutes without stopping!
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    I'm doing this with you all as well but am on day 6. I can say it does get better and hurts less by the end of day four.

    The push ups are already easier on me. I could really do them well today, for the firs time.

    Now, that last side lunch with the arm raises. Those kill me every time. My arms...not my legs.
  • I'm doing this with you all as well but am on day 6. I can say it does get better and hurts less by the end of day four.

    The push ups are already easier on me. I could really do them well today, for the firs time.

    Now, that last side lunch with the arm raises. Those kill me every time. My arms...not my legs.
    Those kill my arms as well! Today what I did was I would do the lunge with both arms and then one side each with just one arm and then both arms again. It helped a little giving that one arm a small rest.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Day 1 complete, it was horrible but worth it. My deltoids are aching already.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Just finished day 1 and it was even harder than I thought it would be. I didn't realize how out of shape I am! I'm proud of myself for getting through it, though.