suzaka Member


  • Bear stances, cross crawls (aka bicycles), rotating side planks.
  • Eating 1700 calories a day is actually very little. I don't calorie count often (in fact probably only twice ever), but I could easily consume 3000 calories. When you space out your meals, your body's digestive system is actively working all the time, so you'll burn more of those calories anyway. If you really wanted to…
  • Body Combat doesn't have a lot of jumping, especially compared to Body Attack. I personally enjoy body combat. Not sure about piyo, the gym I go to doesn't offer it.
  • I am not sure exactly why you wouldn't want to engage your leg muscles, but bicycles (cross crawls) are very helpful in engaging your abs and obliques. Studies have found that they are an efficient use of muscle activity.
    in Ab exercises Comment by suzaka July 2014
  • I have no personal experience with stronglifts 5x5 program, but because you asked, I read about it. It sounds very intense. I might have to try it one day. I do like how it emphasizes squats every workout though, because your legs are the largest muscle groups, and can burn a lot more calories than other muscle groups. The…
  • I agree with most of this, however disagree about the implication here that body pump does not contribute to making you stronger. Body pump is mostly about muscular endurance, but BP can definitely make you stronger. You just have to add more weight, and push yourself and if aren't afraid of that, then I know based on my…
  • I feel compelled to answer questions similar to these because I've seen a lot of people comment about how body pump is ineffective at creating muscle growth or does not do enough to 'tone' muscle. There are many studies that support the idea that heavy lifting with lower reps helps build muscle faster, however it is…