

  • Ear plugs? I sleep in them on occassion, and as long as it's not more than 2 or 3 nights in a row, I don't have any issues.
  • I'm in Charleston for another week and a half, then headed back to Iowa. Feel free to add me!
  • Iowa here. Currently in Charleston, but moving back to Cedar Rapids in a little over a week. Feel free to add me-I love leaving notes on people's postings for encouragement and praise.
  • I was just rear-ended earlier this week... Still stiff and achey, and only able to do half days at work. I'm wanting to add at least walking back to my daily routine, as I felt I was just beginning to make exercise a habit. I understand you posted this a few months ago, but I was wondering if you have any suggestions or…
  • After a successful start I began forgetting to log in daily until it trickled off to nothing. I'm gearing up on a new, successful go with MFP and working to build a network of accountability to encourage and support each other. You, and anyone else, are more than welcome to add me!
  • What part of Iowa? I moved here from Cedar Rapids this past August. Definitely enjoying the lack of snow, but also looking forward to warmer weather again and chances to get to the pool and beach.
  • I just quit smoking 4 days ago, and I'm happy to report that it seems to be going very well thus far. A few years ago I quit for a 3 year stretch using the patch only to start to cope with the stress of the 2008 floods. I was able to quit again after awhile, only to fall back off the wagon. I tried Chantix back in…