

  • Doing great thanks Jen. Into the last couple of days of my recovery week, before the onslaught of phase 2 :sad: I've had a look at the sessions coming up and I don't know about INSANITY, it looks plain MENTAL! LOL! :laugh: Enjoying pushing myself everyday. I can feel my core strengthening and improving. My legs are looking…
  • Great improvement! Keep it up!
  • :happy: Nice one Jen
  • Just started the 'Recovery Week' so 6 sessiosns of Core Cardio & Balance. Whislt not intense, the pilates / yoga basis of the exercises is tough. I'm not looking forward to phase 2 next week........
  • I'm still finding that after 23 days. But it's encouraging to see that the times when i can keep up are increasing! Stick with it, you'll be fab.
    in Day 8 Comment by Adrian_Brown March 2013
  • Fantastic effort everyone! Like the first step out of bed on a morning, the 1st week is very difficult, so huge kudos for sticking with it! I'm just starting week 4 and although I've 'only' lost 5Lbs so far, i'm feeling fitter and full of energy (even for the 05:30 INSANITY starts!!!) Keep going everyone!
  • taken from - The Basic Principles of Eating Clean Eating clean involves not only choosing the right foods to eat but also avoiding all of the junk foods and processed foods that are so readily available. The keys to good health and proper…
  • I'm just finishing week 3 and have lost 6Lbs 2% body fat and increased my Fit Test by 30%. Love it, feel great and can't wait to see the results at the end of the programme. :happy:
  • Cheers dodgyknees24. It's what the forum is all about. Let's share and support. :happy:
  • Hi all, I did my second fit test today (I started the programme 2 weeks ago) and so far I have:- lost 2.5Kg (About 5Lbs) lost 2% body fat Increased my fit test results by up to 30% I feel amazing and i have regained almost two notches on my belt, and this is only in 2 weeks! Keep at it, stay motivated and see the results.…