Fit test

Shaebae93 Posts: 13 Member
I will be doing the fit test tomorrow. I'm a little nervous and excited, all at once, to be doing this program. I will be back tomorrow to post my results for the fit test. :)


  • alligetsskinny
    alligetsskinny Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there! I'm starting insanity today, I've watched a couple videos and I'm a little nervous... Lol
  • Shaebae93
    Shaebae93 Posts: 13 Member
    lol. Don't be too nervous. Let me know how the fit test goes for you. good luck :)
  • alligetsskinny
    alligetsskinny Posts: 11 Member
    I'm getting it under way soon so will post my results after, I'm excited to get started! Good luck to you too! :)
  • toremiles
    toremiles Posts: 21 Member
    I slacked off and will be restarting today! Wish me luck! Is anyone using the shakeology shake as well?
  • alligetsskinny
    alligetsskinny Posts: 11 Member
    Alright, day 1 done! My body feels like it got one hell of a shock!

    Switch kicks - 45 (The first few we're alright but my kicks got lower and lower!)
    Power jacks - 24
    Powers knees - 50
    Power jumps - 16
    Globe jumps - 5
    Suicide jumps - 11 (these are called suicide jumps for a reason, I would rather die than do them!!) lol
    Push-up jacks - 6
    Low plank oblique - 22

    Tomorrow will be
  • I started last week, I had 2 nights where I thought "can I be bothered?" but did it anyway and was really pleased I did. my fitness test results are at home and I'll pop them on later.

    I really really enjoyed yesterday, rest day!
  • Kudos for taking on the challenge guys, I will follow progress with interest as am planning to take this on when I look less like a pink hand grenade after 2 mins of exercise.
  • Hi all,

    I did my second fit test today (I started the programme 2 weeks ago) and so far I have:-

    lost 2.5Kg (About 5Lbs)
    lost 2% body fat
    Increased my fit test results by up to 30%

    I feel amazing and i have regained almost two notches on my belt, and this is only in 2 weeks!

    Keep at it, stay motivated and see the results.

    Ade x
  • alligetsskinny
    alligetsskinny Posts: 11 Member
    Kazuodraysen - I did the same, did a few weeks in the gym before I started, glad I did if this is how I feel after already working on my fitness lol!

    Adrian - amazing!! Very motivating, well done :)
  • Cheers dodgyknees24. It's what the forum is all about. Let's share and support. :happy:
  • bryonbutcher
    bryonbutcher Posts: 1 Member
    Does anyone know the calories burned during the different workouts?
    I hear 750-1000. I think that is a bit much.
    Any ideas?
  • bmn09
    bmn09 Posts: 3 Member
    I wore a heart rate monitor, and burned about 300-500 cal
  • It all depends! I have started to wear a HRM and so far during Pure Cardio I burned 560 cal and this morning for Plyometric Cardio Circuit I burned 655. I am a 33year old female, carrying about 10-15lb of extra weight from 2 back to back pregnancies and I breastfeed so my metabolism runs a little higher than it normally would.
    I would just recommend investing in a HRM if you want exact numbers.
  • colingibb
    colingibb Posts: 31 Member
    I am starting Insanity today as well. Going to do the fit test around 4 pm or so today, and then try again tomorrow morning to get up early.
    I have completed Power90 with great results, and then got partially through P90X, but I was trying to do it while training for the Chicago Marathon, so I had to stop at about 1/2 way.
    I have gained a little back since then, and I want to get myself back into shape.

    This group will definitely help me stay motivated and stick with it for the 60 days especially since I am going to be travelling about 50-75% of the time over the next two months.
  • jonnie7053
    jonnie7053 Posts: 48 Member
    Just about to start my first week after the week break in the middle.
    It's hard work but worth the results, there were days when I wonder why I started but I have seen fantastic results in my overall fitness. I'm not losing much weight at the moment (the scales have just started to move very slowly again after stopping for 4 months) but I've lost inches from my waist, so it's worth it!
  • Yvette22Hernandez
    Yvette22Hernandez Posts: 52 Member
    I wear a HRM as well. I like to know how hard I'm working and make sure that my heart rate stays within reason.
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    Skimmed the videos I know there are things I cannot do right now...but looking forward to doing it all by the end of the 60 days. I'm going to do the fit test either tonight or tomorrow depending on my company tonight. After that its on! I've lost 167lbs and I've got precisely 90 more to go to hit my goal of 199 and make that a total weight loss of 228lbs! Yeah me!
  • Hi everyone,

    I started insanity two weeks ago. In two weeks I have lost 7 lbs, and I need to have my glasses readjusted because they keep falling off my face:) I look forward to hearing everyone else's improvements!

  • BrightonChick
    BrightonChick Posts: 48 Member
    Fitness Test COMPLETE!

    If that's the easiest workout within the programme I am already mourning my body for the next 2 months, nevertheless, BRING IT ON!

    Keep up the great efforts guys...

    Lets not forget our before/after pics in 60 days time!
  • julesfools
    julesfools Posts: 4 Member
    I started Insanity two weeks ago. I will do my fit test tonight. I have lost 5.6 lbs since starting. I am so excited to see how I do tonight! I am a little bummed out because my Pure Cardio DVD doesn't work and I had to order another copy so I haven't used Pure Cardio yet...I have been going to the gym instead. GOOD LUCK to all of you! You can do it!! :-)