Dlpsweet Member


  • This is a great site for support!!! Best of luck to you. Just remember..."Its a slow process but it WILL happen". :)
    in Hiya Comment by Dlpsweet May 2011
  • I too think this is a GREAT motivational site. I find myself feeling guilty if I forget to log something in a day...LOL. I think the thing with me is that it is made public to my friends so it holds me more accountable for my actions, (or lack there-of).
  • I am so glad I am not the only one experiencing this ANNOYING fluctuation. But like everyone said it has to do with my sodium intake and my "time of the month". I saw the gain this morning and was a little sad...but then I reassured myself that it was just retention of water and that I shouldn't be hard on myself about it,…
  • Totally agree...GO for the Bikini...It is a great feeling to put one on and be confident that the hard work is paying off. :)
  • AWESOME JOB GIRL!!!! Keep it up. Its a great feeling when others notice the hard work you been putting in. :)
  • :smile: I tell myself everyday " Its a slow process but it WILL happen"....
  • I have one whole egg and one egg white for breakfast at least 3x/wk...helps me through the morning rush with out being hungry and it gives me some of the protein I need to replenish what I used at the gym.