

  • I live in a rural town and know the gym owners rather well. I know they would be more than happy to help me out with this when I go in today, so I can get to the bottom of it. I would *think* that moving at 2.5mph for a 250 pound woman burns more energy than it would for a 150 lb woman, but hey... I could be wrong and I…
  • Just did some research on a couple different websites and it looks like for the speed, duration, distance and my weight, the treadmill at the gym is just about right... within 10 calories. Glad I wasn't going by what this site automatically enters in when you select the appropriate exercise.
  • Im in! Starting weight: 257 current weight: 249 next bday goal weight: 200 overall goal weight: 165 Why i want to lose 10lbs by June 8>> newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and making some serious lifestyle changes **My ticker says Ive lost 3 pounds (I lost 5lb before joining here), so Ill make it 13 lost by June 8
  • Thanks for the replies :D I found out I have type 2 diabetes when I was in the emergency room for something else, completely unrelated. When the ER doc told me, I didnt want to believe him. I went to my follow up appointment 2 days later with my PCP and sure enough, my a1c was 8.0, which is I understand is bad, but not…