

  • My son and I did this 15 min workout together last night. My son is a distance runner and also plays basketball and baseball. Needless to say he is very active and very fit. While I wouldn't say he found the workout too hard he said he was definately challenged by it and said he pushed himself to keep up. I was not able to…
  • Google Shaun T's 15 minute workout on Dr Oz. This is the trainer that created the Insanity workout program. It is a challenging workout but if you can push yourself through it, it only takes 15 minutes of your time.
  • I can't remember who said it but there is a quote "Who says you can't touch the sky when there are footprints on the moon". So I'd say shoot for the stars! I agree with adding some speedwork or fartlek training. What an inspirational story you are. I just started running myself and am planning to run a local 5K in April…
  • I too have stomach pain and heartburn after breads. I seem to do ok with tortillas and flatbreads so I'm thinking mine may be more of a yeast intolerance. I tested negative for celiac but my doctor said it does only test for a certain aspect of wheat and that it was obvious by the improvement in my health when not…
  • 1. Name : Joanna 2. What level you are currently on in the C25K program: Week 2 Day 1 3. Do you have a race goal in mind, and if so, what is it? local 5K benefit run in April 4. Why did you start running? To stay healthy and share a hobby with my son
  • I am doing the couch to 5k also. It really eases you into running. If I'm struggling to complete the next level, I'm content to repeat the previous one until I get strong enough for the next. I have asthma and I feel that the running is definatley helping me improve my lung capacity and I'm putting one of those Ipod/iphone…