

  • The leek, potato and cheese pasties are fabulous for lunch, they're really easy to make, very tasty and filling but really low in calories.
  • I have been thinking about this for some time as I tell myself regularly that I am not on a diet but have changed my eating habits. During the week (Monday-Thursday) I stick rigidly to between 1,000-1,200 calories a day and log them without fail. Because I do a 5k or 8k run once during the week and go for a long walk over…
  • I quite often have a Weightwatcher's bagel toasted with a tin of Weightwatchers tuna and sweetcorn with a handful of salad leaves. It's filling but is well below 300 calories. Alternatively, The Food Doctor pitta pockets are brilliant and I fill one with salad and a tin of piri piri mussels which is high in healthy…
  • I have lost 28lbs since January by eating 1,200 calories from Monday to Thursday and eating and drinking whatever I want on Friday to Sunday. This is because in the past when I have dieted, the weight has returned as soon as I stopped whereas this is now a habit for me that is sustainable. I exercise more at weekends so…
  • Thank you for so much specific advice. I have been to hospital with this but was told there was no serious problem. Unfortunately, I run instead of going to a gym as that is not practical where I live ( I do swim weekly though). I'll concentrate on strengthening exercises and keep my fingers crossed I think!
  • Thanks for taking the time to let me know. I appreciate it. :smile: Guesswork it is then!
  • Thanks to everyone for such good ideas although some of them aren't available here in the UK but I can always adapt. Evenings at home are always my danger time although spending time on the Wii Fit helps, as does cleaning my teeth or listening to a Lose Weight hypnosis session. Not the same as a packet of crisps though...…