Takin a short break seemed like a good idea...

So I started this journey 3 short months ago. When I hit the 50 lb mark, I decided to take a little break and enjoy some of life's greasier pleasures, Fully intending to get back to it after a week or two. BIG FRIGGIN MISTAKE!!!!!!! I found that once I had a little time invested in this weight loss thing, it wasnt too difficult to keep going. My thinking was "I've been doing this for a couple weeks now, I'm used to it, just keep going..." But starting...well, its too easy to eat "crap" when I was just eating crap 2 days ago and I'm the same weight I was then and "new crap" will just mean I wont loose anthing on tomorrow morning's weigh in. So what the hell...Bring on the deep fried stuff (with cheese). Sigh...and now I'm starting again. I didnt do too much damage on my break (bout 5 lbs) and did I mention that I'm starting again. sucks...So the moral of the story, Kiddies...if you get that ball movin up the hill...dont stop cause its a ***** to get the damn thing rollin again!


  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I just logged 205 days and I totally agree with you. I set my goals to maintenance at one point and even felt guilty for that so I set them back to slow weight loss.

    There is a reason they tell you this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. In order to be successful you simply cannot go back to the unhealthy way of eating that got you here in the first place.

    Even after this length of time I still feel it would be easy to slip back, so I will stay with the constant logging until it becomes second nature. I am not quite as strict with the logging as I was at first, that is about all the concessions I have allowed myself.

    Good luck with your journey. Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I am so glad you posted this! Tomorrow I am ending a 12 weeks biggest loser challenge and I have been contemplating taking a break for a few days to regroup. I am very close to my goal so my thought was to ease up a bit but still be conscious of what I am eating and still go to the gym but not work as hard and give myself until summer to reach my goal, but the angel on my shoulder is telling me that I have come this far why not stick with it until you reach your goal! I am a little scared to reach my goal because I don't know what to do then, I don't know how to maintain!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    If you treat yourself maybe once a week or so to some "crap" it might be easier to stick to the healthier eating and it won't hurt any previous progress (unless you count a water weight gain after a high sodium restaurant meal - that can be remedied with lots of water).

    Not a day's worth of it, just a dessert or snack or something.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I think......no I KNOW that until we change our relationship with food, we will never be able to take a break. While on my weight loss program, I have read the readings of Dr. Wayne Anderson. Read this.


    Without changing the relationship to food, we will constantly be on a diet, losing and gaining, over and over again.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Kudos to you for nipping it in the bud now. Most people keep on their break and months go by and the weight comes back.

    It's hard to get back on track after a short little break, but you can do it.
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    I am a little scared to reach my goal because I don't know what to do then, I don't know how to maintain!

    I think the same thing! First, congrats on your amazing weight loss and your journey so far. :flowerforyou: I had to tell myself that there is no need for me to freak out about maintaining right now...at least not until I reach my goal. See that 126 loss is very inspiration for me others to see. Use that great accomplishment to encourage yourself.

    About taking a break, thank you for the reminder. I definitely need to keep the ball rolling!
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I am a little scared to reach my goal because I don't know what to do then, I don't know how to maintain!

    I think the same thing! First, congrats on your amazing weight loss and your journey so far. :flowerforyou: I had to tell myself that there is no need for me to freak out about maintaining right now...at least not until I reach my goal. See that 126 loss is very inspiration for me others to see. Use that great accomplishment to encourage yourself.

    About taking a break, thank you for the reminder. I definitely need to keep the ball rolling!
    Thank you! It definately has been a journey! Nothing about this is easy!
  • Tillymintball
    I have been thinking about this for some time as I tell myself regularly that I am not on a diet but have changed my eating habits. During the week (Monday-Thursday) I stick rigidly to between 1,000-1,200 calories a day and log them without fail. Because I do a 5k or 8k run once during the week and go for a long walk over the weekend (20 or 22 miles) I have found that I am eating like a thin person! On a Friday, Saturday and Sunday I am far more relaxed and have a what I want including alcohol but am losing approximately 4lbs a month which I am really happy with. I've been doing this since January 2010 and I don't ever want to change how or what I eat now - I'm really happy and healthy and only have 10lbs to go to reach my goal (but even then, using the word 'goal' makes it sound as though I'm dieting!)

    If MFP has worked which I feel it has for me, we should be thinking before we eat, making healthy choices and MOVING MORE! The additional exercise allows for the blips which are totally natural if we are going to remain doing what we do. If I didn't eat anything that I enjoy then I wouldn't have lasted this long. For me, healthy choices, balance, treats and loads of excercise have been the secret of my success.