

  • jemmur - sorry, i meant petroleum jelly, like vaseline. lol
  • I have heard the following aren't vegan but haven't researched why, does anyone know? Petroleum Parafin wax Canvas
  • Why stearic acid?
  • What is this most used in?
  • Yuck! Didn't realize McD's fries had beef seasoning! I have a hard time looking at those lists because I don't know what foods they are in and I never remember them all ;) Although they are SUPER useful I'm looking for the most common or some real shockers (like McD fries).
  • I can only think of the following offhand: Sugar - use of bone char for filtration process Glycerin - use of animal fat Lactic Acid - from animals (lactic acid in muscles) Casein - milk protein
  • You did state that most people are vegan for political reason, and "Flame on..", clearly you knew what you were doing and you I imagine that you did this because you find it funny to get a roar out of people who have a lot of knowledge and compassion for that they do. Vegans who don't have knowledge about what they are…
    in Vegan? Comment by IslasLorax April 2011
  • TOTALLY forgot about raw fish! So adjust my RAW Vegan to RAW Foodist & RAW Vegan ;) Thanks
    in Vegan? Comment by IslasLorax April 2011
  • There is a significant difference between RAW and Vegan, although RAW is always Vegan - Vegan is not Raw. RAW Vegans eat only (or at least 75%+,) food that is cooked at no temperature of 110 degrees F or higher (I believe it is 110 or around there). This cuts out a lot of the whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, pasta,…
    in Vegan? Comment by IslasLorax April 2011
  • Nuts isn't it?? I avoid any refined sugar if it isn't labeled vegan - just to be safe. Do you guys also try to buy vegan shoes? I love - I spring cleaned all my old shoes right to goodwill!
    in Vegan? Comment by IslasLorax April 2011
  • @freerange - many people use their personal beliefs to drive their political activism, i think you'd be hard pressed to find a vegan who only did it because they are that into politics alone. Gout is a big hitter in my family as well (sorry I can't see anyone's name anymore, hm), so it is good to know that my veganism is…
    in Vegan? Comment by IslasLorax April 2011
  • I understand that moderation is okay - but I'm really looking to find out what affect any alcohol may have on muscles.
  • kacarter1017, you have some great points. I agree that overall medical professionals and specialists like to find the root of the problem and FIX it. Smetimes (from just my shoes) general practitioners like to prescribe with the assumption that you will see a specialist but often times we do not because (ie.) "I have high…
  • Great point MacMadame! Triglycerides are a big factor in your cholesterol count as well which is only a snapshot of your diet within the last 48-72 hours. More fried fatty foods = higher triglyceride count = higher over cholesterol level. Getting the breakdown of HDL, LDL, and Triglycerides is essential to determine what…
  • If you are keen on eating meat for lunch (PB&J is a good alternative = low sodium, good fats, good protein) then instead of getting the package meats that come in the little containers, go to the deli and look for something a little 'fresher'. Sodium is just a preservative and occurs naturally in some food - but if you…
  • TRANS FAT. Even though they might be able to put "0 g Trans Fat" that is only because it is less than 0.5 g - but take that 0.5 g and multiply it by how many servings there are. Trans Fat is horrible, it not only increases your LDL (bad cholesterol) but it also lowers your HDL (good cholesterol). An HDL level of less than…
  • I set my sodium at 2,000 mg and have a hard time getting that much! In the US, the average adult consumes about 3,500 mg a day which is NUTS! People with hypertension or other health issues should have a target at about 1,500 mg and everyone else (adults) should have a goal of <2,300 mg a day.