What is Your Sodium Level Set At?

Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Im just wondering, m ine is automatically set at 2500, these seems like a lot to me, but im not sure.


  • I set my sodium at 2,000 mg and have a hard time getting that much!

    In the US, the average adult consumes about 3,500 mg a day which is NUTS!

    People with hypertension or other health issues should have a target at about 1,500 mg and everyone else (adults) should have a goal of <2,300 mg a day.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    I am an american and just recently started reading nutrition info. Just about everything is loaded with sodium. This has had a good effect as i am eating far less processed foods. the only one i cant get rid of is deli meats and they are loaded with sodium.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I changed mine to 2000.
    Some days I am 1500ish and some days I go way over 2000! But I like the numbers there to keep me in line.
    If I am having a high sodium day, I will have a huge bowl of oatmeal for dinner (NO sodium).
  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    I re-set my sodium levels to 1500mg, which is what I aim for, but until I am eating cleaner, it's going to be at 2,500mg or higher! My sodium levels are the first thing to go "in the red" in my food diary. I am now keeping my eye on on lower sodium options for packaged goods, and now realize that I need to be making my own green beans, corn, etc. rather than relying on canned goods. I also just had some frozen grilled chicken strips for lunch, and those were ridiculous! I am going to stock up on bone-in chicken breasts, and grill those on the weekend for the week.
  • If you are keen on eating meat for lunch (PB&J is a good alternative = low sodium, good fats, good protein) then instead of getting the package meats that come in the little containers, go to the deli and look for something a little 'fresher'. Sodium is just a preservative and occurs naturally in some food - but if you even try to get local fresh meat you will decrease the need for sodium a LOT. Watch your breads too - those often are a hidden culprit of high sodium.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    thanks for the info. i am a deli sandwich fiend! I have manged to find a very healthy bread option, got rid of the may and cheese. it seems the only thing i need to do it get rid of the high sodium lunch meat. I have a great italian deli that sells actual roasted turkey, not processed or anything. i assume that will be my best bet.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I leave it at 2500 but I'm usually under. You'll find that the more "whole foods" you eat, sodium is barely a factor in your daily diet.

    Just FYI for those days you're way over in sodium-bananas, kiwis, figs and sweet potatoes are very high in potassium and combat the bloat that comes from water retention!
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