

  • Hello! Whew this has been a busy thread today! -Shannon... I once had a skunk chase me inside a barn... I freaked and ran out the back, making sure to leave all doors open... never saw it again, but I was nervous for a couple days. -I went to strength training tonight barely, I finished with work 15 minutes before the…
  • Rest day for me too. -Shannon that is awesome! You are ready for you half... isn't it coming up soon? Have a great weekend everyone! -S
  • Good Morning! I am posting early! Got up at six to run 2.3 miles in the nice 65 degree weather. Will be getting up to 100 degrees today, so needed an early start. Even if it's my day off! Have a good one -S
  • Hi: rest day for me... which I am glad for... I am way sore. -Thalli1 good luck on your half this weekend! How exciting... you will do great! -Safe travels to you Mireille :)
  • Hello again :) So only did a quick mile before a power pilates class... it was good to keep working on the muscles that are sore from yesterday, and the stretches helped. -pmkelly... I did like the Tuesday routine... I will only be able to do that once in a blue moon since normally I work till 6:30 on Tuesday nights, which…
  • Hello!! So last night I did not get around to posting what I accomplished.... so for yesterday after work I went to a strength training class than ran two miles on the treadmill. The cool part is my legs were already tired from the weights, but I knew if I took a break I wouldn't end up running. And since it was on the…
  • Hello. I actually was going to run before work today but the smoke was so thick I was instantly coughing... not the greatest air day. If the temps go down I will try and catch a dusk run. Otherwise hopefully tomorrow is better. Night
  • Morning. Just a quick 1.5 mile run. My shins started acting up again so I am doing some post stretches and icing. Didn't realize how important stretching is after a run... on Friday i went 3.5 miles and Sat morning I woke up way stiff. Will try to pick up a gym class this week to work on some strengthening (I think that…
  • Good Morning. Did 3.38 miles today. It was a bit cooler and windy so that was nice. I felt this run a bit though... it has been a week since I ran last. I need to develop more of a routine and not just run on my days off from work. Will try better this coming week. Now I am off to do yard work! -S
  • Happy 4th! Rest day for me.
  • Thanks. I did carry some water with me, which helped. And areay congratulations on your marriage... how exciting!
  • Good Morning! So I only went 2.33 miles today... I have never really run in the heat and I could feel a huge difference in the 80 degree weather (supposed to be 106 today) But the coolest part was the first mile was great... I started out on a 10 minute pace and cheesy as it sounds but I was smiling cause I felt so good.…
  • Hi all!! I just read through the posts and I want to run!! But with still hot, hot temps and a thunderstorm going on... I probably shouldn't. Hopefully in the morning- Good job though!
  • Kechie: There is a half marathon Oct 5 and one on Nov 1st that I am debating between. As for the shins... I have done well today. Probably a combination of the ice and strengthening since I have been a "runner" now for a couple weeks :).
  • Hello! Good job to all who got up early this morning! I ran 3 miles in 33 minutes. I tried taking smaller strides and I am icing my shins now, so hopefully they will not be sore this weekend. Good luck to all on your long runs this weekend.
  • Hi: Looks like its newbie day... I would love to join this thread too, not only for support, but it does make me accountable. I ran 1.5 miles this afternoon... wanted to do more, but I am battling some soreness in my shins, so I figured I better not push it. Never have been a "runner" but I like a challenge and want to…