reeshacurtis Member


  • I agree with the posts above. Cutting calories CAN reduce milk supply but it varies from woman to woman. I've nursed three babies (for a year each) and worked-out the entire time I nursed. It's possible to cut calories but you have to maintain a delicate balance. In the end, not every woman's body reacts the same. I have a…
  • I've been running with my various dogs (Pointers, labs, and other bird dogs) for over 15 years. I've always run with a dog and always via the same method: get a "No Pull" harness. Trust me!!!! I appreciate what others have said about harnesses, but a "No Pull" harness is different. Other harnesses allow your dog to drag…
  • Nope! Perfectly normal. Given your starting weight and the drastic change in food intake it likely is "water weight" but it's ok. The weight loss will slow down so stick with it. Congrats on making this life change!
  • Remember- "There is a time and a season for all things in life". You have such a tiny little baby...don't let this precious newborn phase escape you. You're bound to be exhausted right now! That's ok and perfectly normal. Get as much rest as you can and try not to stress about non-essential stuff around the house. The most…