Cutting calories effect breatmilk supply?

My subject pretty much covers it. Does cutting calories reduce milk supply? I know I haven't been drinking enough too so I am working on that too


  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    Yes. Don't do it.
  • Yes it can. How much you can cut out depends on you, as it seems to really vary mom to mom. I would start out very slowly and make sure your daily intake includes intake for milk making. :) The good news is that if it does affect your supply increasing calorie intake should bring it back up pretty quickly. used to have some resources but I can't get there right now to find a link to the info on intake.
  • The number of calories you need is lots higher than your normal BMR when you're breastfeeding. Make sure you don't eat below TDEE.
  • CKJ118
    CKJ118 Posts: 54
    I nursed my daughter for a year after she was born(a decade ago) and used a ton of calories doing so. When I read up on it, it burns 500 calories alone just to produce milk. I lost about 70lb in the 5 months following her birth by adding in activity and I felt like I was starving all the time even when I did not reduce. Start slow or ask your pediatrician for advice if you plan to cut the calories. Good luck!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Yes: diet under medical supervision only.
  • reeshacurtis
    reeshacurtis Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with the posts above. Cutting calories CAN reduce milk supply but it varies from woman to woman. I've nursed three babies (for a year each) and worked-out the entire time I nursed. It's possible to cut calories but you have to maintain a delicate balance. In the end, not every woman's body reacts the same. I have a close friend who insists that she CANNOT cut calories or she stops producing.

    First and foremost is to drink PLENTY of water. I'm talking like 90 oz a day. (And ditch the soda if that's an issue for'll cut A LOT of calories). As mentioned, make sure your calorie allowance includes the fact that you're nursing. And then experiment with it. If you're a first-time mom this might be a little bit more challenging because you don't have another expereince to gauge against. Cut calories by a little at a time- not a huge deduction all at once. Make sure the calories that you do eat are nutrient dense foods. Find ways to add veggies to your regular meals/recipes. Try to eat fruit as often as possible. Give yourself a day or so to see how the milk supply is doing, then go from there. If you cut too many calories all at once, then your supply will drop. And don't forget.....DRINK WATER!!!
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    YES! i was so desperate to lose my baby weight after my second i started working out a lot and limiting my cals' around 6 months post partem. by 9 months my supply was gone and my son was on formula for the last 3 months. no one told me then that i needed an extra 500 cals for breastfeeding. i just assummed since i was still nursing my body would keep producing normally and lose weight but that's not how it works.

    this time around i am more about eating healhty then limiting my cals, cause i do not want to compromise my supply. i do log some of my foods to check how i am doing but am almost always over 100-200 cals (over my 1350 + 500 bf cals) i do not stress about it to much since i am making healhty choices and losing weight right now. it also helps that my son was a very inefficient nurser and had latching problems so i pump exclusivily so i can spot if my supply is going to start to drop compared to if he was nursing.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    It definitely can. Dehydration can also affect your supply. When I was nursing my first two, I kept 1/2 pbj sandwiches in little sandwich bags along with a bottle of water in the places I was most likely to nurse. That way, I always had food and drink available. I kept snacks in the stroller with water too so anytime I went for a walk, I had my snacks already packed and in the stroller.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Thank you everyone!
    This is my third and third time breastfeeding but I feel like it's always something different with each one. I think cutting my calories almost knocked my milk supply out completely! I am going to stay focused on eat the right kinds of food and eat when I am hungry! I am also going to continue hitting the gym and DRINKING lots of water/fluids!