too much too soon?

I am very new to weight loss, as in so new this is the first time in my life I have ever tried to lose weight (I'm 42). Ok, well I'm not so new if I consider that I've losing and finding the same 5 pounds over and over for the past few years.

Anyhow, here I am, day 10, and my scale says I've lost 6 pounds. 6 is a big deal for me because I've never been able to lose 6 in the past, just 5. The difference with this is that I'm logging my food intake, my exercise activities, I have a real life friend who is taking this journey with me, and I am here at this site. All these things make me accountable to myself.

I am ecstatic to be this much more beautiful than I was 10 days ago, but is it too much too soon? Or am I just being too concerned too quickly?


  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    The same thing happened to me. I'm sure that the first 6 or 7 pounds was a lot of water weight since I cut out almost all processed foods and started cooking everything from scratch with just whole fruits, veggies and meats. I really cut the sodium and what not out, and I'm certain that is what led to that rapid loss.
    Since then, I've lost about 1 1/2 to 2 pounds a week - more than I expected to lose, but I'm just thinking that it really goes to show you just how important what you eat it (exercise is not a problem for me).
  • reeshacurtis
    reeshacurtis Posts: 4 Member
    Nope! Perfectly normal. Given your starting weight and the drastic change in food intake it likely is "water weight" but it's ok. The weight loss will slow down so stick with it. Congrats on making this life change!
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    Some of the weight is actually water weight. It's not all that rare to see quicker weight loss when you first start out. When I first started losing weight, I was 55 pounds over weight:( I started using MFP on my phone, I found the app and figured I would give it a shot. I talked to my doctor about losing the weight and talked to him about the 1200 calorie diet. He also mentioned slim fast to me. So after all that, in almost less than a month I lost 20 pounds. Since then my weight loss has slowed down.

    I'm not cheating on my diet, but I think my body has become used to my workouts. So I am changing what I do now! Don't be overly concerned, as long as you are eating healthy and drinking plenty of water, you are okay! You're body will let you know if you need more calories. Mine would feel weak, that when I knew, I needed to eat more on days when this would happen.

    I joined this site online, when people on my facebook were on here. I had the app and had no idea there was a site:) So glad I am here!

    In the past 15 days, I have lost 8 more pounds. If my doctor is right water weight starts coming off early on when were doing this. He told me when my weight loss starts to slow down, don't give up! It's very normal... He was so right! There is nothing wrong with being concerned. Here we have each other to talk with, and ask questions. Before this site, I was going at it alone, for the most part. I found out when in doubt, or when you have questions, just ask! There is a lot of people on here, who know a lot. For me this is a real plus!

    Good job on your weight loss! Good luck to you:)
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,237 Member
    I am ecstatic to be this much more beautiful than I was 10 days ago

    I don't have much to say as far as too much too soon...I'm struggling with that as well...but I wanted to specifically commend you on this comment. It's an amazing way to look at your progress and I really think we could all benefit from thinking that way. Thank you!
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    First of all, you are beautiful either way :)

    But, yes the first week or two shows significantly more weight loss than the following weeks. So don't get discouraged when you don't lose this much in the next ten days! It is definitely a process, but you will make it if you keep doing what your doing!
  • xstealth12x
    xstealth12x Posts: 43 Member
    Hiya TeenaDe! Great job and welcome to MFP!

    You do tend to have an initial larger burn than you will see in coming weeks. The important thing is to keep that enthusiasm you have now and to not completely trust numbers. In the next few weeks you'll see that the scale says you've only lost 1lb, or that you haven't lost any and that's totally normal as long as you're honestly holding yourself accountable for calories and exercise. Size is probably the best measure of success because as you probably know muscle weighs more than fat, and if you're exercising you'll be building muscles as fat disappears, so even if the scale says you've lost 1lb, you may have lost an inch of size!

    So, my advice would be to keep at it, keep a positive and enthusiastic view, and watch the size melt away.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Cgrrrl
    Cgrrrl Posts: 5
    Not too much too soon - you can sometimes fluctuate a couple of pounds just in water weight in a week! Thank you, salt intake. But keep up the awesome work with logging your food, your exercise, and finding online support and support from your friends! Keep at it! The important thing to remember is you are what you eat.... so eat healthy happy flavourful things! Sometimes I reach for something like poutine and the first two bites are great. Halfway through, I feel gross and wonder, what is it that this meal accomplished for me? Nothing except make me feel sluggish! Stay on track and you're going to be fine. Stick to your goals! :)
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks guys, you are all very motivational! I love this site!
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    Not at all, you are doing great!

    I remember when I joined weight watchers a couple years ago, and I lost 6 lbs. And then 5 lbs, and then I started to struggle and cheat and frustrated then gave up on the program.

    so I know it's not too much too fast.
  • Losing weight is step by step process. As much as you want to drastically clear out the unwanted fats in your body, you cannot do that in an instant. What you can do is be consistent with your routine exercise but don't pressure yourself to lose a hundred pounds in 1 week. That is like killing yourself already. Just take it easy and with the right amount of food intake you can surely succeed in losing weight.

    Aside from watching your diet, you might also want to try juicing or extracting the best nutrients in the vegetables and fruits by using this wonderful juicing machine I found on this site:

    Trust me, diet, exercise and this reliable juicer can help you a lot in this weight loss routine you are undergoing.