

  • I would say stress would do it. Relax and try to get comfortable with your routines and be proud of what you have achieved so far.13lbs is a great achievement and the compliments you have mentioned would say others agree with me. Take your time, take a break and don't panic. You will do it when you are ready but stressing…
  • That's ok. You need to rest and not push it or you will cause more damage than resolve anything. Try to stick to those 1200 calories as close as possible, but don't let your body go into starvation mode. If you need more at anytime then you simply need more. I'm finding I'm putting things into my lunchbox just because I…
  • I was the typical I'll start tomorrow person and it is still early days for me, however I have found that after taking that initial step of waking up one morning and saying ok that's enough and off to eat a banana instead of a rather unhealthy breakfast from then on its all begun to fall into place somehow. After 2 weeks,…
  • Oh where to start! I can't believe some of the stuff they put in things, and it usually the most innocent looking things. But then on the flip side, I'm amazed at the stuff I thought would be laden with Calories and isn't actually that bad and also the abundance of the lighter versions of foods popping up in the UK now. I…
  • In all honesty I went from doing minimal exercise and eating whatever to going to the gym, doing spin classes and swimming and it took 2 weeks before I saw much, if any difference, and I mean more than an ounce or 2. I am told by medical professionals when you change your habits so radically it takes time for your body to…
  • Also if you have stepped up your exercise, you need to take into account the difference that building your muscles will have. I personally refuse to diet 7 days a week. I stick to it religiously 6 days a week then have my treats on a Saturday and go Swimming etc. I'm happy with a leisurely non stressful 1-2lbs a week and…
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