Not losing weight

After leaving the RAF and starting an office job i noticed i had put on a few pounds due to the extreme change in pace. I have been eating healthy for about 3 or 4 weeks now (only 2 using MFP) I eat between 1200-1400 calories a day and i work out at least 3 times a week yet i have not lost a single pound. Did anyone else find this at first when trying to lose weight? I'm quite muscular because of being in the military but i have been aiming to keep toned, not build more muscle when at the gym (mostly concentrating on CV). I'm beginning to lose hope so any advice would be useful please!


  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    Remember that when you start working out strenuously your muscles retain water to heal, and your large muscle groups can hold up to a couple pounds of water. Once they start "feeling better about themselves" you should see a change :) Also - you might pay the 40 bucks or so to have your metabolism tested and make sure you are eating enough calories - the higher your metabolism the more you need to eat so your body doesn't freak out and think you're starving it
  • I am experiencing the same problem. Eating healthier, exercising 4 times a week and no weight loss to date after doing this for 2 1/2 weeks now.
  • musicmaestro25
    musicmaestro25 Posts: 9 Member

    Its good to know i'm not the only one. I wonder if my body is just confused, it's gone from a highly physical job where i had to eat at least 2500 calories a day, to a serene job and eating 1400. I was hungry all the time at first because i was used to eating 3 big meals a day. I cut down gradually and i'm not so hungry all the time but still losing nothing.
  • Hello, I am also struggling with the weight lost. I am training 5 to 6 times a week and trying to eat the most correctly as possible and not only Am I not losing weight but I gain 1 1/2 pound... I am a little deceived by the none result that I get and not so sure what I should do anymore...
  • I am just as confused as you guys. I started doing intense spinning classes 4 times a week @50 mins a class, eating healthier, have not gone over my calorie goal but I gained 1 pound, all of this in 2 weeks. I say let's give it another week or 2 guys and see what happens, and let's share what works with each other
  • In all honesty I went from doing minimal exercise and eating whatever to going to the gym, doing spin classes and swimming and it took 2 weeks before I saw much, if any difference, and I mean more than an ounce or 2. I am told by medical professionals when you change your habits so radically it takes time for your body to get with programme so to speak. This is why its majorly important that you eat your calorie allowance because your body is already wondering what the hell your doing and for a short while it will hold onto everything it can get. Now the 2 weeks is done its falling off me and managing calories, shopping habits and portion sizes feels like 2nd nature. My jeans are now hanging off me to the point I have to pull them up so I don't trip on them. I even stepped on the leg and almost tripped last night LOL. Hang in there. Enjoy what you eat, do not under any circumstances deprive yourself because you are more likely to want it less if you know you could have it, and experiment with food, I'm finding I am enjoying foods that I wouldn't have ate for all the money in the world such as black coffee (I'm a fussy eater and 2 weeks ago vegetables were not an option) and my biggest tip is to stick to your diet 6 days a week then have a chosen day at the end of each week to relax it and enjoy whatever. If your anything like me after a week or 2 you will get to that day and think you know what I don't need all this fat I can enjoy the healthier versions and things I thought I hated I actually enjoy. Good Luck All
  • Thanks for the input Shelly, I feel a lot better now. Can't lie, but I felt so discouraged by the lack of any weight change that for the last 2 days, I have gone over my daily calorie goals. Tomorrow is a new day and I will jump back on the horse. I have a medical condition that just recently reared it's ugly head and the doctor has stopped all exercising until it is properly diagnosed, so no gym for me until the end of this month HOPEFULLY *crossing fingers*
  • That's ok. You need to rest and not push it or you will cause more damage than resolve anything. Try to stick to those 1200 calories as close as possible, but don't let your body go into starvation mode. If you need more at anytime then you simply need more. I'm finding I'm putting things into my lunchbox just because I need to tell myself I can have them if I choose, especially if I have a manic day, but often just knowing I can have them is enough and I don't even consider eating them in the end.. I guess its a bit of reverse psychology. Don't give up, remember even a slow stroll to the local store or 10 minutes cleaning all counts. I can't go to the gym everyday so I try to discipline myself to at least walk to the places I would have usually taken alternative methods of transport to get to. I have had major spinal surgery also, so I understand the challenges with such restrictions (hence why I ended up doing this to begin with LOL) and I find Swimming not only is a low impact exercise but also helps my muscles that are so completely shot to hell. I'm not sure what condition the doctors believe you have so its hard to comment but maybe your doctor would approve of a relaxing, slow swim? It might be worth asking if you haven't already, The worst they can tell you is no and then you should take advice and relax. Good Luck. I hope it all works out for you.
  • Add me to the frustration list. I'm 5'8" and weight 183 lbs. I started using this website last sunday so it's almost been a week. I know that doesn't seem to be enough time to lose...but, in the past, I exercised and ate right and saw the pounds disappear almost daily. I don't know what's going on now. I haven't lost a single pound! I'm very motivated and following the 1200 calorie limit w/in 10-25 calories each day. I want to give up because losing weight hasn't been this hard before. I know that this thread already gives good advice...I guess I just needed to add my name to the list of frustrated dieters. Thanks!
  • musicmaestro25
    musicmaestro25 Posts: 9 Member
    So, its now been about 5 or 6 weeks and I still haven't lost any weight. I'm really frustrated now, it seems like the only way for me to lose weight would be for me to starve myself (I'm already on 1200-1300 calories a day) but i refuse to do that. I'm at a total loss. I exercise, i avoid snacks like chocolate and crisps (although i do have the occasional treat) I love fruit and veg. I'm thinking of going to the doctors just to get checked out.

    Anyone else still having similar problems?
  • Jaymefirst
    Jaymefirst Posts: 268 Member
    Have any of you tried eating more? I know when I eat more (I know crazy) whole foods, and more frequently throughout the day I see better results. I've also never been a big believer in the water intake, but I gotta say drinking more does seem to help not only with hunger but with flushing out the sodium that my body loves to hold onto.
    Try increaseing by a couple hundred calories this week and see what happens. It doesn't sound like your losing much right now, so you have nothing to lose (except maybe weight). I would try this before quitting. That isn't going to help...
  • I have been trying to lose weight for for a few months now. The first month I lost half a stone, the second month I lost a little less. But now I am having weeks where my weight is increasing and so is my body fat percentage according to the scales! Now I promise you that I am eating the same meals snacks etc as I was when I started, and I do cardio three times a week, resistance/weight training three times a week and abs three times a week, but my weight loss has become none existent.

    Does anyone know why this might be and is it normal?
  • there is always some plateau that someone hits before they start losing again. don't lose hope! x
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    So, its now been about 5 or 6 weeks and I still haven't lost any weight. I'm really frustrated now, it seems like the only way for me to lose weight would be for me to starve myself (I'm already on 1200-1300 calories a day) but i refuse to do that. I'm at a total loss. I exercise, i avoid snacks like chocolate and crisps (although i do have the occasional treat) I love fruit and veg. I'm thinking of going to the doctors just to get checked out.

    Anyone else still having similar problems?

    Are you eating all of your exercise calories back? You need to. Also, you should probably raise your calorie intake. Your body is used to eating 2500 and suddenly its cut in half.....probably freaking your body out. I would say change your goal to losing a lb a week versus two (this gives you more calories to eat), eat all of your exercise calories back, and make sure you are drinking plenty of water. What kind of exercises are you doing?
  • musicmaestro25
    musicmaestro25 Posts: 9 Member
    The amount of calories i'm eating is what MFP recommends to lose 1lb a week. I find it hard to eat back all of my exercise calories back sometimes. I'm not sure what to eat to help make it up. When i first came out of the military i knew it was going to be a big change so i cut down gradually before i discovered MFP.
    I go to the gym at least 3 times a week. I can't run much because of a bad knee but i jog occasionally. I mostly row, cycle and go on the cross trainer along with core and stregnth work. I'm also a musician and play for 2 hours 2-3 times a week which burns off a few calories too , which is why i struggle to eat them all back.