kmarni06 Member


  • Thanks all of you who friended me.... This journey is a unique one, and one that only us doing it can really understand. I appreciate it a lot... Keto on ;)
  • I do 24 hours of this once a week and it has helped me lost weight faster, I follow this by doing a 24 hour fat fast and then continue on with LCHF.
    in bp coffee Comment by kmarni06 July 2014
  • I have been drinking it since I started the WOE... I upped it to 2 a day *try to... and have seen a great improvement on my fat loss and inches lost as well. For me it helps promote heightened alertness and achieves quicker loss of weight.
    in bp coffee Comment by kmarni06 July 2014
  • You can add me :D I have been doing Keto since March of this year. I have not 'cheated' and I do IF. I have lost a total of 26lbs since that time. Good luck and carry on!!