mdbmeme Member


  • I feel guilty eating anything at a fast food restaurant any more. But that is a crock. McD's trying to stay alive in times where more people are trying to get fit. Guess you gotta do what you gotta do to make money.
  • Thanks for asking this question. I feel like that's all I eat any more. I used to go out for lunch every day I work. Now, I just take a Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers meal, etc. With 2 kids one at 2 years and one at 4 months, I just don't have to ambition to pack a HEALTHY homemade meal. Maybe I need to research some…
  • i try to work out every day, but my goal is at least 5 days a week. I also go swimming frequently. You don't realize how many calories you can burn just by leisure swimming (about 400/hour). I've lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks. Best wishes. Keep up the good work!
    in Frustrated Comment by mdbmeme March 2010
  • Welcome. I've been on here for little over a week now. I know how you feel about the BMI. I got to 125 once and looked terrible. Good luck. Best wishes.