

  • Starting weight 9/11: 233 Current weight 9/16: 232
  • Good Morning!! My starting weight is 233.8. Goal is 230. Good luck everyone!
  • Can I still participate? I won't have a starting weight until the morning but I know roughly where I'm at so end of September I'd like to be 230.
  • That's exactly what I was telling my friend who is also tracking on MFP. I looked at my graph for yesterday and my carb consumption is a lot higher than protein, clearly that needs to change. I was telling her we need to hit our regular daily caloric intake on the work out days, there's no way around it, it has to be done!…
  • I too started tracking yesterday and got the same message. My struggle is the activity calories that you earn. I hadn't reached my calorie goal for the day, I worked out at 8pm last night and earned another roughly 300 calories, which turned into me having 800+ more calories for the day. I don't feel right eating at 9pm,…